
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 67, Issue 6

State Dependence, Serial Correlation and Heterogeneity in Intertemporal Labor Force Participation of Married Women

Dean R. Hyslop
p. 1255-1294

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Why Youths Drop out of High School: The Impact of Preferences, Opportunities, and Abilities

Zvi Eckstein, Kenneth I. Wolpin
p. 1295-1339

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Estimation When a Parameter is on a Boundary

Donald W. K. Andrews
p. 1341-1383

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Asymptotic Properties of Weighted M‐estimators for variable probability samples

Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
p. 1385-1406

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Equilibria in Networks

Ken Hendricks, Michele Piccione, Guofu Tan
p. 1407-1434

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Aggregation and Market Demand: An Exterior Differential Calculus Viewpoint

P. A. Chiappori, I. Ekeland
p. 1435-1457

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The Density of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator

Grant Hillier, Mark Armstrong
p. 1459-1470

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Announcements: Nomination of Fellows, 2000

p. 1471-1480

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News Notes

p. 1481-1482

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Index to Volume 67, 1999

p. iii-v

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