
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 72, Issue 3

the Block–Block Bootstrap: Improved Asymptotic Refinements

Donald W. K. Andrews
p. 673-700

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Moral Hazard Contracting and Private Credit Markets

In‐Uck Park
p. 701-746

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Relational Contracts and the Nature of Market Interactions

Martin Brown, Armin Falk, Ernst Fehr
p. 747-780

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Behavior in a Dynamic Decision Problem: An Analysis of Experimental Evidence Using a Bayesian Type Classification Algorithm

Daniel Houser, Michael Keane, Kevin McCabe
p. 781-822

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Repeated Games with Private Monitoring: Two Players

Hitoshi Matsushima
p. 823-852

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Financial Market Globalization, Symmetry‐Breaking, and Endogenous Inequality of Nations

Kiminori Matsuyama
p. 853-884

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Econometric Analysis of Realized Covariation: High Frequency Based Covariance, Regression, and Correlation in Financial Economics

Ole E. Barndorff‐Nielsen, Neil Shephard
p. 885-925

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Simple Finite Horizon Bubbles Robust to Higher Order Knowledge

John R. Conlon
p. 927-936

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The Error in Rejection Probability of Simple Autocorrelation Robust Tests

Michael Jansson
p. 937-946

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Twicing Kernels and a Small Bias Property of Semiparametric Estimators

Whitney K. Newey, Fushing Hsieh, James M. Robins
p. 947-962

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The Measurement of Intellectual Influence

Ignacio Palacios‐Huerta, Oscar Volij
p. 963-977

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Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 979-983

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News Notes

p. 984-985

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Report of the President

p. 986-989

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2003 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 990-996

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 997-1022

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