
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 77, Issue 6

Front Matter

p. i-vi

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A Parsimonious Macroeconomic Model for Asset Pricing

Fatih Guvenen
p. 1711-1750

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Liquidity and Trading Dynamics

Veronica Guerrieri, Guido Lorenzoni
p. 1751-1790

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Market Structure and Multiple Equilibria in Airline Markets

Federico Ciliberto, Elie Tamer
p. 1791-1828

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Longevity and Lifetime Labor Supply: Evidence and Implications

Moshe Hazan
p. 1829-1863

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Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models

Susumu Imai, Neelam Jain, Andrew Ching
p. 1865-1899

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Structural Nonparametric Cointegrating Regression

Qiying Wang, Peter C. B. Phillips
p. 1901-1948

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Comparative Statics, Informativeness, and the Interval Dominance Order

John K.‐H. Quah, Bruno Strulovici
p. 1949-1992

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Observing Unobservables: Identifying Information Asymmetries With a Consumer Credit Field Experiment

Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman
p. 1993-2008

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Comments on “Convergence Properties of the Likelihood of Computed Dynamic Models”

Daniel Ackerberg, John Geweke, Jinyong Hahn
p. 2009-2017

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p. 2019-2021

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2023-2023

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 2008 Report of the President

p. 2025-2027

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Back Matter

p. vii-x

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