
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 86, Issue 2

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 86 Iss. 2

p. i-ii

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Demand Analysis using Strategic Reports: An application to a school choice mechanism

Nikhil Agarwal, Paulo Somaini
p. 391-444

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A Theory of Non-Bayesian Social Learning

Pooya Molavi, Alireza Tahbaz‐Salehi, Ali Jadbabaie
p. 445-490

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A News-Utility Theory for Inattention and Delegation in Portfolio Choice

Michaela Pagel
p. 491-522

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Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly: An Aggregative Games Approach

Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz
p. 523-557

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A Theory of Input–Output Architecture

Ezra Oberfield
p. 559-589

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Who Should Be Treated? Empirical Welfare Maximization Methods for Treatment Choice

Toru Kitagawa, Aleksey Tetenov
p. 591-616

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Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Frank Schorfheide, Dongho Song, Amir Yaron
p. 617-654

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Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models

Timothy B. Armstrong, Michal Kolesár
p. 655-683

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Inference Based on Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified With Sign and Zero Restrictions: Theory and Applications

Jonas E. Arias, Juan F. Rubio‐Ramírez, Daniel F. Waggoner
p. 685-720

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Very Simple Markov-Perfect Industry Dynamics: Theory

Jaap H. Abbring, Jeffrey R. Campbell, Jan Tilly, Nan Yang
p. 721-735

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Estimating Semi-parametric Panel Multinomial Choice Models using Cyclic Monotonicity

Xiaoxia Shi, Matthew Shum, Wei Song
p. 737-761

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Estimating Both Supply and Demand Elasticities Using Variation in a Single Tax Rate

Floris T. Zoutman, Evelina Gavrilova, Arnt O. Hopland
p. 763-771

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 773-773

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 86 Iss. 2

p. iii-v

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