
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 89, Issue 1

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 89 Iss. 1

p. i-ii

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Intergenerational Mobility in Africa

Alberto Alesina, Sebastian Hohmann, Stelios Michalopoulos, Elias Papaioannou
p. 1-35

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Equilibrium Allocations Under Alternative Waitlist Designs: Evidence From Deceased Donor Kidneys

Nikhil Agarwal, Itai Ashlagi, Michael A. Rees, Paulo Somaini, Daniel Waldinger
p. 37-76

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A Preferred-Habitat Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Dimitri Vayanos, Jean‐Luc Vila
p. 77-112

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Adaptive treatment assignment in experiments for policy choice

Maximilian Kasy, Anja Sautmann
p. 113-132

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Policy Learning with Observational Data

Susan Athey, Stefan Wager
p. 133-161

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Instability of Centralized Markets

Ahmad Peivandi, Rakesh V. Vohra
p. 163-179

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Deep Neural Networks for Estimation and Inference

Max H. Farrell, Tengyuan Liang, Sanjog Misra
p. 181-213

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The “New” Economics of Trade Agreements: From Trade Liberalization to Regulatory Convergence?

Gene M. Grossman, Phillip McCalman, Robert W. Staiger
p. 215-249

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Policy Persistence and Drift in Organizations

Germán Gieczewski
p. 251-279

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Media Capture through Favor Exchange

Adam Szeidl, Ferenc Szucs
p. 281-310

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Structural Change with Long-run Income and Price Effects

Diego Comin, Danial Lashkari, Martí Mestieri
p. 311-374

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Dynamic Belief Elicitation

Christopher P. Chambers, Nicolas S. Lambert
p. 375-414

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A Practical Guide to Updating Beliefs from Contradictory Evidence

Evan Sadler
p. 415-436

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Nonparametric Analysis of Random Utility Models: Computational Tools for Statistical Testing

Bart Smeulders, Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock
p. 437-455

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The Empirical Content of Binary Choice Models

Debopam Bhattacharya
p. 457-474

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From Blackwell Dominance in Large Samples to Rényi Divergences and Back Again

Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz
p. 475-506

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 507-507

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Secretary

p. 509-522

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Treasurer

p. 523-531

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Editors 2019–2020

p. 533-536

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Econometrica Referees 2019–2020

p. 537-548

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series

p. 549-551

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 553-553

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 89 Iss. 1

p. iii-v

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