
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 89, Issue 3

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 89 Iss. 3

p. i-ii

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General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure

José Azar, Xavier Vives
p. 999-1048

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A Comment on: “General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure” by José Azar and Xavier Vives

Jan Eeckhout
p. 1049-1053

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A Comment on: “General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure” by José Azar and Xavier Vives

Thomas Philippon
p. 1055-1059

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Reply to: Comments on “General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure”

José Azar, Xavier Vives
p. 1061-1063

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Limit Points of Endogenous Misspecified Learning

Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, Philipp Strack
p. 1065-1098

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Optimal Asset Management Contracts with Hidden Savings

Sebastian Di Tella, Yuliy Sannikov
p. 1099-1139

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Finite-Sample Optimal Estimation and Inference on Average Treatment Effects Under Unconfoundedness

Timothy B. Armstrong, Michal Kolesár
p. 1141-1177

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Nash Equilibria on (Un)Stable Networks

Anton Badev
p. 1179-1206

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Viability and Arbitrage under Knightian Uncertainty

Matteo Burzoni, Frank Riedel, H. Mete Soner
p. 1207-1234

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Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies

Isaac Baley, Andrés Blanco
p. 1235-1264

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Screening in Vertical Oligopolies

Hector Chade, Jeroen Swinkels
p. 1265-1311

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Optimal Auction Design With Common Values: An Informationally Robust Approach

Benjamin Brooks, Songzi Du
p. 1313-1360

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A Macroeconomic Model with Financially Constrained Producers and Intermediaries

Vadim Elenev, Tim Landvoigt, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
p. 1361-1418

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Inference for Iterated GMM Under Misspecification

Bruce E. Hansen, Seojeong Lee
p. 1419-1447

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Salvaging Falsified Instrumental Variable Models

Matthew A. Masten, Alexandre Poirier
p. 1449-1469

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Asset Pricing with Endogenously Uninsurable Tail Risk

Hengjie Ai, Anmol Bhandari
p. 1471-1505

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1507-1507

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The Econometric Society 2020 Annual Report of the President

p. 1509-1518

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 89 Iss. 3

p. iii-v

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