
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 29, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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An Exact Method of Consumer Demand Analysis

I. F. Pearce
p. 499-516

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Stable Paretian Random Functions and the Multiplicative Variation of Income

Benoit Mandelbrot
p. 517-543

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The Error of Forecast for Multivariate Regression Models

Arnold Zellner, John W. Hooper
p. 544-555

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The Covariance Matrices of Reduced-Form Coefficients and of Forecasts for a Structural Econometric Model

A. L. Nagar, A. S. Goldberger, H. S. Odeh
p. 556-573

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Identifiability Criteria in Nonlinear Systems

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 574-590

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A Unified Statistical Approach to the Index Number Problem

K. S. Banerjee
p. 591-601

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Best Linear and Best Linear Unbiased Index Numbers

G. M. de Wit, T. Kloek
p. 602-616

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The Stability of Dynamic Processes

Hirofumi Uzawa
p. 617-631

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Capacity Expansion and Probabilistic Growth

Alan S. Manne
p. 632-649

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The Theory of Cost and Production in the Multi-Product Firm

Ralph W. Pfouts
p. 650-658

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Lags and the Stability of Dynamic Systems

Wassily Leontief
p. 659-669

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Lags and the Stability of Dynamic Systems: A Reply

J. D. Sargan
p. 670-673

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Lags and the Stability of Dynamic Systems: A Rejoinder

Wassily Leontief
p. 674-675

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The Theory and Measurement of Private and Social Cost of Highway Congestion

A. A. Walters
p. 676-699

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An Approximate Method for Convex Programming

Jaromir Abrham
p. 700-703

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The Present State of Consumption Theory

H. S. Houthakker
p. 704-740

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Technical Change and the Rate of Imitation

Edwin Mansfield
p. 741-766

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The Decomposition Algorithm for Linear Programs

George B. Dantzig, Philip Wolfe
p. 767-778

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Quasi-Concave Programming

Alain C. Enthoven, Kenneth J. Arrow
p. 779-800

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Brief Note on the Life and Work of Hans Staehle

Philippe Carre
p. 801-810

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Letter to the Editor

Hans Neisser
p. 811-812

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Announcement of the Copenhagen Meeting

p. 822-822

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Announcement of the Dublin Meeting

p. 822-822

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Announcement of the New York Meeting

p. 822-822

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Special Lectures

p. 822-823

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Constitution of the Econometric Society as Amended to 1960

p. 823-824

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News Notes

p. 824-825

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 826-880

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p. 880-880

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Geographical List of Members

p. 881-893

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