
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Supplemental Material

Econometrica - Volume 80, Issue 1

Supplement to "Folklore Theorems, Implicit Maps and Indirect Inference"

This supplement provides technical results and proofs for the paper.

Supplement to "Stability and Preference Alignment in Matching and Coalition Formation"

This supplement (i) shows that a preference profile can be embedded in a rich domain of pairwise-aligned profiles if and only if it does not admit n-cycles, and (ii) discusses the trade-offs involved in relaxation of the assumptions in Theorems 1 and 2.

Supplement to "Estimation of Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Generalized Residuals"

This supplemental document first provides a brief summary of commonly used function spaces and sieve spaces.  It then provides mathematical proofs of all the theorems, corollaries, propositions, and lemmas that appear in the main text and appendix.

Supplement to "Inference in Nonparametric Instrumental Variables with Partial Identification"

A zip file containing all the files needed to replicate the simulation results for the paper.

Supplement to "Inference in Nonparametric Instrumental Variables with Partial Identification"

A zip file that contains all the files needed to replicate the analysis of Brazilian fuel Engel curves.

Supplement to "One-Dimensional Inference in Autoregressive Models with the Potential Presence of a Unit Root"

This supplementary appendix contains proofs of some of the results stated in the paper.

Supplement to "Timing and Self Control"

This appendix has several sections. W1 is another example/application of the model.  W2 is a brief proof of something asserted in the text. W3 provides a foundation for the model in terms of a game between the long run self and a sequence of shorter one selves. W4 explores an alternative model; it shows that the alternative makes no difference with linear control sets but leads to odd conclusions when the cost is convex.