
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Supplemental Material

Econometrica - Volume 88, Issue 3

Supplement to "Understanding Doctor Decision Making: The Case of Depression Treatment"

This dataset contains two sets of files which are described in two README files. describes the Julia and R code for the simulation results in "Understanding Doctor Decision Making: The Case of Depression Treatment". The Julia and R code contain more detailed information. Files describing the processing of the IQVIA and BCBS data on prescriptions and claims (respectively) are discussed in readme.docx.

Supplement to "Understanding Doctor Decision Making: The Case of Depression Treatment"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Age of Marriage, Weather Shocks, and the Direction of Marriage Payments"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Age of Marriage, Weather Shocks, and the Direction of Marriage Payments"

This appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Efficient and Incentive-Compatible Liver Exchange"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Efficient and Incentive-Compatible Liver Exchange"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Selection Without Exclusion"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence From the United States"

This zip file contains the replication files and an additional online appendix containing material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Understanding HANK: Insights from a PRANK"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Unbundling Polarization"

This online appendix contains proofs and additional figures for the model.

Supplement to "Unbundling Polarization"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.  It also contains an additional appendix for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Social Learning Equilibria"

This supplementary appendix presents additional extensions and results. The first concerns the case of heterogeneous types of agents, with the corresponding result following immediately from the results established in the paper. The second extension relaxes the assumption of binary states and actions inherent in the canonical setting.

Supplement to "Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity from Aggregate Choices"

This appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.