
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 1

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Antoine Augustin Cournot, 1801-1877

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Editor's Note

Ragnar Frisch
p. 1-4

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Papers to Appear in Econometrica

p. 105-105

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Constitution of the Econometric Society

Charles F. Roos
p. 106-108

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Report of the Work of the Council

Irving Fisher
p. 109-109

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Programme de la Reunion de la Societe d'Econometrie, Paris, Octobre, 1932

p. 110-111

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Cournot et l'ecole mathematique

Rene Roy
p. 13-22

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The Role of Statistical Method in Economic Standardization

W. A. Shewhart
p. 23-35

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L'utilisation des equations fonctionnelles et des nombres complexes dans les recherches economiques

J. Tinbergen
p. 36-51

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The Common Sense of Econometrics

Joseph Schumpeter
p. 5-12

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A Certain Erratic Tendency in Accountants' Income Procedure

John B. Canning
p. 52-62

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The Absorption of Bank Credit

James Harvey Rogers
p. 63-70

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The Organization of the Econometric Society in Cleveland, Ohio, December, 1930

p. 71-72

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La Reunion de la Societe d'Econometrie, Lausanne, Septembre, 1931

Hans Staehle
p. 73-86

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Washington, D.C., December, 1931

Irving Fisher
p. 87-89

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in New Orleans, Louisiana, January, 1932

p. 90-90

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Report of the Meeting

Irving Fisher
p. 92-93

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Syracuse, New York, June, 1932

Joseph Mayer
p. 94-104

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Issue 2

Knut Wicksell, A Pioneer of Econometrics

Johan Akerman
p. 113-118

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Annual Survey of Business Cycle Theory: Investment and Saving in Business Cycle Theory

Alvin H. Hansen, Herbert Tout
p. 119-147

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On Interpolation

J. Shohat, Jacques Chokhate
p. 148-158

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Distributions statistiques rattachees a la loi de Gauss et la repartition des revenus

G. Darmois
p. 159-161

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Interrelations des prix et courbes statistiques de demande et d'offre

Marco Fanno
p. 162-171

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Some Considerations on the Analysis of the Prices of Competing or Substitute Commodities

Mordecai Ezekiel
p. 172-180

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On the Demand for Rival (Or Substitute) Commodities

Umberto Ricci
p. 181-189

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Les trois notions de l'equilibre economique

G. H. Bousquet
p. 190-196

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Collegiate Mathematics Needed in the Social Sciences

p. 197-204

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Atlantic City, New Jersey, December, 1932

Charles F. Roos
p. 205-208

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1932

Alfred Cowles 3rd
p. 209-217

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The Econometrica Committee on Source Material for Quantitative Production Studies

p. 218-219

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Francesco Fuoco, Opponent of J. B. Say on the Use of Algebra in Political Economy

Gustavo Del Vecchio
p. 220-220

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Alfred Marshall, the Mathematician, As Seen by Himself

Alfred Marshall
p. 221-222

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Instructions to Contributors Regarding Papers for Econometrica

p. 223-223

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Papers to Appear in Econometrica

p. 224-224

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[Photograph]: Knut Wicksell, 1851-1926

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Annual Survey of Statistical Technique Developments in Sampling Theory

W. A. Shewhart
p. 225-237

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Time Series: Their Analysis by Successive Smoothings

Lewis A. Maverick
p. 238-246

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The Notions of Horizon and Expectancy in Dynamic Economics

J. Tinbergen
p. 247-264

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La demande dans ses rapports avec la repartition des revenus

Rene Roy
p. 265-273

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A Comparison of Elasticities of Demand Obtained by Different Methods

Henry Schultz
p. 274-308

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Can Stock Market Forecasters Forecast?

Alfred Cowles 3rd
p. 309-324

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L'utilite d'une theorie generale des ensembles renouveles

Francois Divisia
p. 325-327

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Les systemes autoentretenus et les oscillations de relaxation

Ph. Le Corbeiller
p. 328-332

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Program of the Meeting of the Econometrica Society in Chicago, June 28-30 1933

p. 333-334

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Avis de la Reunion de la Societe d'Econometrie, a Leyde, Hollande, Octobre, 1933

F. Divisia
p. 335-335

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Papers to Appear in Econometrica

p. 336-336

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Issue 4

Front Matter

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The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions

Irving Fisher
p. 337-357

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The Action of Economic Forces in Producing Frequency Distributions of Income, Prices, and Other Phenomena: A Suggestion for Study

A. L. Bowley
p. 358-372

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Annual Survey of Statistical Information: The Branches of National Spending

Jakob Marschak
p. 373-386

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Partial Time Regressions as Compared with Individual Trends

Frederick V. Waugh, Ragnar Frisch
p. 387-401

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The Edgeworth Taxation Phenomenon

Raymond Garver
p. 402-407

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Note on Edgeworth's Taxation Phenomenon and Professor Garver's Additional Condition on Demand Functions

Harold Hotelling
p. 408-409

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Effects of a Technological Improvement on Employment

D. I. Vinogradoff
p. 410-417

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Pseudo-Scientific Method in Economics

Joseph Mayer
p. 418-428

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Pseudo-Scientific Method in Economics: A Reply

Frank H. Knight
p. 428-429

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Pseudo-Scientific Method in Economics: A Rejoinder

Joseph Mayer
p. 430-430

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Chicago, June, 1933

Alfred Cowles, 3rd
p. 431-444

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List of Fellows of the Econometric Society

Irving Fisher
p. 445-445

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Preliminary Programs of the Meetings of the Econometric Society in Philadelphia and Boston, December 27-30, 1933

Charles F. Roos
p. 446-447

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Papers to Appear in Econometrica

p. 448-448

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Issue 32


Blake Faulds

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