
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 4

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Annual Survey of General Economic Theory: The Problem of Index Numbers

Ragnar Frisch
p. 1-38

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Composite Commodities and the Problem of Index Numbers

Wassily Leontief
p. 39-59

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A Note on Distribution of Income Over Time

Gerhard Tintner
p. 60-66

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Mathematical Theory of Production Stages in Economics

John M. Thompson
p. 67-85

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The Conception of Invariants in Dynamic Economics

Hans Bolza
p. 86-94

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Note on the Term "Econometrics"

Ragnar Frisch
p. 95-95

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p. 96-96

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Issue 2

Errata: Annual Survey of General Economic Theory: The Problem of Index Numbers

Ragnar Frisch

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Marginal Efficacy of a Productive Factor--First Report of the Econometrica Committee on Source Materials for Quantitative Production Studies

E. H. Phelps Brown
p. 123-137

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The Statistical Law of Demand for a Producer's Good as Illustrated by the Demand for Steel

Roswell H. Whitman
p. 138-152

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Sur la Loi de la Demande

Otomar Pankraz
p. 153-156

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On a Mixed Difference and Differential Equation

M. H. Belz, R. W. James
p. 157-160

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Relations of Institutional Factors to Economic Equilibrium and Long-Time Trend

Elmer C. Bratt
p. 161-183

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Meetings of the Econometric Society in New York City, December, 1935 and St Louis, January, 1936

Herbert E. Jones
p. 184-192

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Notice of the Meeting of the Econometric Society in Oxford, England, September 1936

p. 192-192

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Annual Survey of Economic Theory: The Setting of the Central Problem

Johan Akerman
p. 97-122

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Monopolistic Competition and the Homogeneity of the Market

F. Zeuthen
p. 193-209

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An Econometric Model of Production and Distribution

Victor Edelberg
p. 210-225

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A Study of Costs

Richard Stone, W. A. Tweddle
p. 226-241

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Cost Categories and the Total Cost-Function: Second Report of the Econometrica Committee on Source Materials for Quantitative Production Studies

E. H. Phelps Brown
p. 242-263

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Annual Survey of Statistical Technique: Developments in the Analysis of Multivariate Data--Part I

Paul R. Rider
p. 264-268

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A General Dynamic Demographic Scheme and Its Application to Italy and the United States

Silvio Vianelli
p. 269-283

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Meeting of the Econometric Society in Oxford, England, September, 1936

p. 284-285

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The Meeting of the Econometric Society in Namur, Belgium, September 23 to 25, 1935

p. 284-284

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Erratum: First Report of the Econometrica Committee on Source Materials

E. H. Phelps Brown
p. 285-286

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Meetings of the Econometric Society in Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1936

p. 285-285

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In Memoriam

p. 287-287

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Issue 4

Front Matter

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Price Data and Problems of Price Research

Frederick C. Mills
p. 289-309

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The Profit-Experience of Producers and Their Response to Price: Third Report of the Econometrica Committee on Source Materials for Quantitative Production Studies

E. H. Phelps Brown
p. 310-323

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Pareto's Sociology

Max Millikan
p. 324-337

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Demand for Boots and Shoes as Affected by Price Levels and National Income

L. J. Paradiso, Victor S. von Szeliski
p. 338-355

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Comments on the Macrodynamic Theory of Business Cycles

M. Kalecki
p. 356-360

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Vertical and Horizontal Shifts in Demand Curves

Geoffrey Shepherd
p. 361-367

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Annual Survey of Statistical Techniques: The Correlation and Analysis of Time Series--Part II

Charles F. Roos
p. 368-381

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The Chicago Meetings of the Econometric Society, December 28-30, 1936

p. 382-382

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 383-397

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Growth and Distribution of the Membership of the Econometric Society

p. 398-398

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