
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 7

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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A Misunderstanding in Index-Number Theory: The True Konus Condition on Cost-of-Living Index Numbers and Its Limitations

Henry Schultz
p. 1-9

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The Problem of the True Index of the Cost of Living

A. A. Konus
p. 10-29

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Controlling the Nation's Business

Edward Adams Richardson
p. 30-46

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A Dynamic Scheme For the British Trade Cycle, 1929-1937

E. A. Radice
p. 47-56

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Periodogram Analysis with the Phase a Chance Variable

Edward L. Dodd
p. 57-63

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Full Employment with a Nonhomogeneous Labour Force

Henry Smith
p. 64-76

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Note on Frisch's Diagonal Regression

Charles W. Cobb
p. 77-80

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Compte Rendu de la Reunion d'Annecy, 12-15 Septembre 1937

Georges Lutfalla
p. 81-93

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Summary of Accounts, 1930-1938

p. 94-94

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Officers and Council for 1939

p. 95-95

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p. 96-96

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Henry Schultz 1893-1938

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Henry Schultz as Colleague

Paul H. Douglas
p. 104-106

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Annual Survey of Statistical Data: Pareto's Law and the Index of Inequality of Incomes

C. Bresciani-Turroni
p. 107-133

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L'Oeuvre Economique d'Augustin Cournot

Rene Roy
p. 134-144

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The Dupuit Taxation Theorem

Ragnar Frisch
p. 145-150

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The Relation of Prices to Marginal Costs in an Optimum System

Harold Hotelling
p. 151-155

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A Further Note on the Dupuit Taxation Theorem

Ragnar Frisch
p. 156-157

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A Final Note

Harold Hotelling
p. 158-160

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Report of the Cracow Meeting, September 18, 1938

B. Debinski, J. Wisniewski
p. 161-166

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Report of the Detroit Meeting, December 27-30, 1938

Dickson H. Leavens
p. 167-190

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Announcement of the Elsinore Meeting, August 26-28, 1939

p. 190-190

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Instructions to Contributors Regarding Papers for Econometrica

p. 191-192

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The Work of Henry Schultz

Harold Hotelling
p. 97-103

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Simplified Model of the Causation of Technological Unemployment

J. Tinbergen, P. de Wolff
p. 193-207

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Some Problems in the Measurement of Income Elasticities

H. Gregg Lewis, Paul H. Douglas
p. 208-220

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Periodicity as an Explanation of Variation in Hog Production

P. D. Bradley, Jr., W. L. Crum
p. 221-234

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The Practice of Depreciation

Gabriel A. D. Preinreich
p. 235-265

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Elasticities of Expenditure in the Dynamic Theory of Demand

Gerhard Tintner
p. 266-270

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The Demand for Passenger Cars in the United States: A Reply

Robert Solo
p. 271-276

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The Demand for Passenger Cars in the United States: A Rejoinder

P. de Wolff
p. 277-282

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Committee on Cost-Price Relationships

p. 283-284

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Election of Fellows

p. 284-286

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 286-287

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Suggestions for Fellowships

p. 287-288

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Change of Address

p. 288-288

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Membership List Changes

p. 288-288

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Issue 4

Front Matter

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Remarks on the Theory of Depreciation

K.-G. Hagstroem
p. 289-303

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A Three-Dimensional Representation of the Factors of Production and Their Remuneration, Marginally and Residually

Irving Fisher
p. 304-311

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The Maximization of Profits Over Time with Changing Cost and Demand Functions

A. Smithies
p. 312-318

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A New Formula for the Index of Cost of Living

A. Wald
p. 319-331

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On Combining Market and Budget Data in Demand Studies: A Suggestion

J. Marschak
p. 332-335

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The Effect of the Undistributed Profits Tax Upon the Distribution of Corporate Earnings--A Statistical Appraisal

Francis McIntyre
p. 336-348

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A Note on Irving Fisher's Concept of Income

Clyde H. Graves
p. 349-356

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The Concept of Income: A Rebuttal

Irving Fisher
p. 357-361

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On the Significance of Professor Douglas' Production Function: A Correction

Horst Mendershausen
p. 362-362

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Announcement of the Philadelphia Meeting, December 27-30, 1939

p. 363-363

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Errata: The Demand for Passenger Cars in the United States: A Rejoinder

P. de Wolff
p. 363-364

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Errata: The Practice of Depreciation

Gabriel A. D. Preinreich
p. 363-363

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 365-382

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p. 382-382

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Growth and Distribution of Membership in the Econometric Society and of Subscribers to Econometrica

p. 383-383

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