
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 11

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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The Statistical Implications of a System of Simultaneous Equations

Trygve Haavelmo
p. 1-12

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La Hierarchie des Besoins et la Notion de Groupes dans l'Economie de Choix

Rene Roy
p. 13-24

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Demand Elasticities Reviewed

J. Marschak
p. 25-34

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The Role of Money in Equilibrium Capital Theory

Martin Bronfenbrenner
p. 35-60

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General Theory of Plant Account Subject to Constant Mortality Law of Retirements

Bradford F. Kimball
p. 61-82

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Income-Tax Revision as Proposed by Irving Fisher

Harold Hotelling
p. 83-87

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Income-Tax Revision: Reply

Irving Fisher
p. 88-94

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The Investment-Factor Method: A Correction

Richard V. Gilbert, Victor Perlo
p. 94-94

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Meetings at Cleveland and New York Cancelled

Alfred Cowles
p. 95-95

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Officers and Council for 1943

Alfred Cowles
p. 95-95

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Summary of Accounts

p. 96-96

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Consumer's Demand for Money

C. E. V. Leser
p. 123-140

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Estimates of Average Service Life and Life Expectancies and the Standard Deviation of Such Estimates

Joseph Jeming
p. 141-150

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European Exchange Depreciation in the Early Twenties

Jacques J. Polak
p. 151-162

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Income Inequality and Demand Studies: A Note

Jacob Marschak
p. 163-166

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Abstracts of Papers Scheduled for the Cancelled Christmas Meetings at Cleveland and New York

p. 167-171

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Editorial Note

Oscar Lange
p. 172-172

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The Demand for Durable Goods

Charles F. Roos, Victor S. Von Szeliski
p. 97-122

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Mattter

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On the Statistical Treatment of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations

A. Wald, H. B. Mann
p. 173-220

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A Fundamental Multiplier Identity

Paul A. Samuelson
p. 221-226

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The Theory of the Multiplier

Oscar Lange
p. 227-245

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Pitfalls in the Statistical Determination of the Investment Schedule

Lawrence R. Klein
p. 246-258

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An Alternative Interpretation of the Cobb-Douglas Function

M. W. Reder
p. 259-264

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A Regression

Charles W. Cobb
p. 265-267

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Editorial Note

Oscar Lange
p. 268-268

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Omission of Christmas Meetings, 1943

Alfred Cowles
p. 268-268

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Errata: The Consumer's Demand for Money

C. E. V. Leser
p. 268-268

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 269-287

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Membership Statistics

p. 288-288

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p. 288-288

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