
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 19

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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The Nonlinear Accelerator and the Persistence of Business Cycles

R. M. Goodwin
p. 1-17

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Consumer Substitutions between Butter and Margarine

James N. Morgan
p. 18-39

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Equilibrium among Spatially Separated Markets: Solution by Electric Analogue

Stephen Enke
p. 40-47

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Report of the Berkeley Meeting, August 1-5, 1950

p. 48-54

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Report of the Harvard Meeting, August 31-September 5, 1950

p. 55-72

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Report of the Council for 1950

William B. Simpson
p. 73-74

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 74-75

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Rules for Electing Fellows

p. 76-77

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Election of Fellows, 1950

p. 77-82

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 82-84

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Meetings of the Society in 1951

p. 84-85

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Proposed Election of Fellows

p. 84-84

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Erratum: A Note on a Maximum-Likelihood Estimate

T. W. Anderson
p. 85-85

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Le "Revenu Distribuable" et les Pertes Economiques

Marcel Boiteux
p. 112-133

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The Invalidity of Classical Monetary Theory

Don Patinkin
p. 134-151

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Inconsistency and Indeterminacy in Classical Economics

Karl Brunner
p. 152-173

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The Application of Pareto's Law of Income to Japanese Data

Miyoji Hayakawa
p. 174-183

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Two Consequences of the Transposition Theorem on Linear Inequalities

T. S. Motzkin
p. 184-185

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A Note on Motzkin's Transposition Theorem

Morton L. Slater
p. 185-187

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An Interesting General Form for a Production Function

Arnold Zellner
p. 188-189

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Report of the Varese Meeting, September 6-8, 1950

p. 190-219

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Report of the Tokyo Meeting, October 8-9, 1950

p. 220-223

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Announcement of Santa Monica Meeting, August 2-4, 1951

p. 224-225

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Report of the India Meeting, December 23, 1950

p. 224-224

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Announcement of Louvain Meeting, September 12-14, 1951

p. 225-226

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Announcement of Minneapolis Meeting, September 4-7, 1951

p. 225-225

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Announcement of Boston Meeting, December 27-29, 1951

p. 226-226

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Errata: Report of the Washington Meeting, 1947

p. 227-227

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Some Personal Reminiscences on a Great Man

Ragnar Frisch
p. 87-91

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The Rate of Interest

Joan Robinson
p. 92-111

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Issue 3

[Photograph: William Stanley Jevons]

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Jevons and His Precursors

Ross M. Robertson
p. 229-249

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Optimal Inventory Policy

Jacob Marschak, Kenneth J. Arrow, Theodore Harris
p. 250-272

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The Coefficient of Resource Utilization

Gerard Debreu
p. 273-292

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A Formal Theory of the Employment Relationship

Herbert A. Simon
p. 293-305

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A Note on Dynamic Multipliers

Robert Solow
p. 306-316

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Note on the Inversion of the Leontief Matrix

Julian L. Holley
p. 317-320

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Report of the Chicago Meeting, December 27-30, 1950

p. 321-350

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Criticism Invited

Frederick V. Waugh
p. 358-358

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Notice of the Louvain Meeting, September 12-14, 1951

p. 359-360

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Notice of the Minneapolis Meeting, September 4-7, 1951

p. 359-359

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Notice of the Santa Monica Meeting, August 2-4, 1951

p. 359-359

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Announcement of Meetings in India and Japan

p. 360-360

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Notice of the Boston Meeting, December 27-29, 1951

p. 360-360

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Issue 4

[Photograph]: Abraham Wald

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Abraham Wald, 1902-1950

Oskar Morgenstern
p. 361-367

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Editor's Note

Ragnar Frisch
p. 367-367

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On Some Systems of Equations of Mathematical Economics

Abraham Wald
p. 368-403

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Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Choice in Risk-Taking Situations

Kenneth J. Arrow
p. 404-437

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Estimating Patterns of Savings Behavior from Sample Survey Data

Lawrence R. Klein
p. 438-454

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Efficient Allocation of Resources

Tjalling C. Koopmans
p. 455-465

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La Demande des Biens Indirects

Rene Roy
p. 466-471

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Notice of New Delhi and Patna Meetings, December 10 and 25, 1951

p. 485-485

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Notice of the Boston Meeting, December 26-29, 1951

p. 485-486

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Notice of Tokyo Meeting

p. 486-486

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Statistics on Members and Subscribers

p. 487-489

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 490-553

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p. 553-553

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Geographical List of Members and Subscribers

p. 554-573

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