
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 20

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Irving Fisher, 1867-1947: First President of the Econometric Society

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Overcapacity and the Acceleration Principle

Hollis B. Chenery
p. 1-28

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Constitution of the Econometric Society

p. 115-119

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Report of the Council for 1951

William B. Simpson
p. 120-121

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Notice of Change in Subscription Rates

p. 121-121

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 122-123

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Rules for Electing Fellows

p. 124-125

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Election of Fellows, 1951

p. 125-129

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Fellows of the Econometric Society, January, 1952

p. 129-132

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Meetings of the Society in 1952

p. 132-132

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Proposed Election of Fellows

p. 132-132

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Editor's Note

p. 133-133

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News Note

p. 133-133

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Erratum: Optimal Inventory Policy

Jacob Marschak, Kenneth J. Arrow, Theodore Harris
p. 133-133

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On the Structure of Linear Models

Robert Solow
p. 29-46

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Postwar Changes in Income and Savings Among Consumers in Different Age Groups

Janet A. Fisher
p. 47-70

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Production Relations in the Railway Industry

George H. Borts
p. 71-79

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Report of the Santa Monica Meeting, August 2-4, 1951

p. 80-87

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Report of the Minneapolis Meeting, September 4-7, 1951

p. 88-103

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Francois Divisia, First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1931-1934; President of the Econometric Society, 1935

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Front Matter

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Blending Aviation Gasolines--A Study in Programming Interdependent Activities in an Integrated Oil Company

A. Charnes, B. Mellon, W. W. Cooper
p. 135-159

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Optimality and Degeneracy in Linear Programming

A. Charnes
p. 160-170

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Irreversible Demand Functions

M. J. Farrell
p. 171-186

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The Inventory Problem: I. Case of Known Distributions of Demand

A. Dvoretzky, J. Kiefer, J. Wolfowitz
p. 187-222

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Consumer's Behavior and Liquidity Preference

Michio Morishima
p. 223-246

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On the Application of Servomechanism Theory in the Study of Production Control

Herbert A. Simon
p. 247-268

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The Method of Equivalent Linearization

Frank E. Bothwell
p. 269-283

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A Business Cycle Model with Organized Labor Considered

Martin Shubik
p. 284-294

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Definite and Semidefinite Quadratic Forms

Gerard Debreu
p. 295-300

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Note on Consolidation Within a Leontief System

M. Hatanaka
p. 301-303

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On a Relation Between Changes in Demand and Price Changes

Abraham Wald
p. 304-305

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Report of the Louvain Meeting, September 12-14, 1951

p. 306-332

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Report of the New Delhi and Patna Meetings, December 1951

p. 333-340

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Announcement of Eugene Meeting, June 19-21, 1952

p. 351-352

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Preparation of Problem and Source Materials for the Mathematical Training of Social Scientists

p. 351-351

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Announcement of East Lansing Meeting, September 2-5, 1952

p. 352-353

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Announcement of Cambridge Meeting, August 12-16, 1952

p. 353-353

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Announcement of Chicago Meeting, December, 1952

p. 353-354

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Editor's Note

p. 354-354

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News Notes

p. 354-354

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Issue 3

[Photograph]: Charles F. Roos, First Secretary of the Econometric Society, 1931-1935; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1947; President of the Econometric Society, 1948

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Front Matter

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Habit Persistence and Lags in Consumer Behaviour

T. M. Brown
p. 355-371

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Four Alternative Policies to Restore Balance of Payments Equilibrium

J. Tinbergen
p. 372-390

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Les Elasticities de la Demande Relative aux Biens de Consommation et aux Groupes de Biens

Rene Roy
p. 391-405

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A General Location Principle of an Optimum Space-Economy

Walter Isard
p. 406-430

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Safety First and the Holding of Assets

A. D. Roy
p. 431-449

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The Inventory Problem: II. Case of Unknown Distributions of Demand

A. Dvoretzky, J. Kiefer, J. Wolfowitz
p. 450-466

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Concepts, Sources, and Methods of United States National Income Accounts

Richard Ruggles
p. 467-471

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Report of the Boston Meeting, December 26-29, 1951

p. 472-501

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Report of the Tokyo Meeting, November 11-12, 1951

p. 502-502

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Criticism Invited

B. Chait, Irving Morrissett, James N. Morgan
p. 515-517

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Notice of the Cambridge Meeting, August 13-15, 1952

p. 518-518

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Notice of the Chicago Meeting, December, 1952

p. 518-518

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Notice of the East Lansing Meeting, September 2-5, 1952

p. 518-518

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News Note

p. 519-519

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Issue 4

[Photograph]: Ragnar Frisch, Editor of Econometrica, 1932- ; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1948; President of the Econometric Society, 1949

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Survey of the Theory of Rationing

James Tobin
p. 521-553

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On a Quantitative Method in Production Planning and Scheduling

Melvin E. Salveson
p. 554-590

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The Graduation of Income Distributions

D. G. Champernowne
p. 591-615

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A Dynamic Model: I. Principles of Model Structure

Julian L. Holley
p. 616-642

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A Continuous Model of Transportation

Martin Beckmann
p. 643-660

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Ordinal Preferences or Cardinal Utility?

G. L. S. Shackle, H. Wold, L. J. Savage
p. 661-664

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The Strong Independence Assumption--Gasoline Blends and Probability Mixtures

A. Charnes, Alan S. Manne
p. 665-669

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Probability, Utility, and the Independence Axiom

Paul A. Samuelson
p. 670-678

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Note on von Neumann-Morgenstern's Strong Independence Axiom

E. Malinvaud
p. 679-679

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A Set of Independent Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Simple Majority Decision

Kenneth O. May
p. 680-684

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Comments on Solow's "Structure of Linear Models"

I. N. Herstein
p. 685-686

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A Note on Pierre Gorra's Contribution on Index Numbers

Ragnar Frisch
p. 687-687

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Fellowships and Grants

p. 706-706

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Training Center for Economic and Financial Statistics

p. 706-707

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Council Approval of Institutional Memberships

p. 707-707

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Notice of Nagoya Meeting, November 1-3, 1952

p. 707-707

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Notice of Supplement

p. 707-707

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Notice of the Chicago Meeting, December 27-29, 1952

p. 707-708

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Announcement of Meetings in Trivandrum and Lucknow, India

p. 708-708

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Meetings in Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, and Santiago

p. 708-709

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Resignation of Secretary of the Econometric Society

p. 709-709

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Statistics on Members and Subscribers

p. 710-712

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 713-784

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Geographical List of Members and Subscribers

p. 785-806

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