
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 22

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Wesley C. Mitchell, President of the Econometric Society, 1942-1943

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Intransitivity, Utility, and the Aggregation of Preference Patterns

Kenneth O. May
p. 1-13

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Compte Rendu du Congres d'Innsbruck, 31 Aout-2 Septembre, 1953

p. 101-122

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Report of the Council for 1953

Alfred Cowles
p. 132-132

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Election of Fellows, 1953

p. 133-135

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 136-138

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Announcement of Uppsala Meeting, August 2-4, 1954

p. 139-139

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Cooperative Graduate Summer Sessions in Statistics

p. 139-140

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Meetings of the Society in 1954

p. 139-139

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Proposed Election of Fellows, 1954

p. 139-139

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A Classical Tax-Subsidy Problem

Gerard Debreu
p. 14-22

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Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk

Daniel Bernoulli
p. 23-36

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Some Problems in the Theory of Dynamic Programming

Richard Bellman
p. 37-48

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Note on the General Economic Equilibrium for Nonlinear Production Functions

Hukukane Nikaido
p. 49-53

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Note on the Economic Equilibrium for Nonlinear Models

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
p. 54-57

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Puissance et Dangers de l'Utilisation de l'Outil Mathematique en Economique

M. Allais
p. 58-71

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Edgeworth's Taxation Paradox, and the Nature of Demand Functions

Martin J. Bailey
p. 72-76

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The Teaching of Econometrics

Gerhard Tintner
p. 77-100

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Report of the Evaluative Committee for Econometrica

J. R. N. Stone, P. A. Samuelson, T. C. Koopmans
p. 141-146

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On Equilibrium in Graham's Model of World Trade and Other Competitive Systems

Lionel McKenzie
p. 147-161

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Causality and Econometrics

H. Wold
p. 162-177

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Standard Errors of Forecast of a Complete Econometric Model

T. M. Brown
p. 178-192

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A Model for Programming and Sensitivity Analysis in an Integrated Oil Company

A. Charnes, B. Mellon, W. W. Cooper
p. 193-217

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An Example of Autocorrelated Disturbances in Linear Regression

John Gurland
p. 218-227

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Autoregression in the United States Economy, 1870-1929

Arthur J. Gartaganis
p. 228-243

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An Inventory Problem

Murray Rosenblatt
p. 244-247

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 259-260

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Announcement and Tentative Program of Uppsala Meeting, August 2-4, 1954

p. 261-262

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Announcement of Pasadena Meeting, June 18-19, 1954

p. 261-261

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Announcement of Detroit Meeting, December 27-30, 1954

p. 262-262

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Announcement of Montreal Meeting, September 10-13, 1954

p. 262-262

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News Note

p. 263-263

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Issue 3

[Photograph]: John Maynard Keynes, President of the Econometric Society, 1944-1945

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Back Matter

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Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy

Gerard Debreu, Kenneth J. Arrow
p. 265-290

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An Application of Activity Analysis to the Theory of the Firm

M. J. Farrell
p. 291-302

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A Note on Mr. Farrell's Model

D. G. Champernowne
p. 303-309

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Inventory Fluctuations in Flaxseed and Linseed Oil, 1926-1939

S. G. Allen
p. 310-327

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Price Determination in a Stock-Flow Economy

D. W. Bushaw, R. W. Clower
p. 328-343

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Effects on Demand of Changes in the Distribution of Income: A Comment

W. J. Corlett
p. 344-347

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Effects on Demand of Changes in the Distribution of Income: A Reply

Karl Borch
p. 348-349

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Quasi-Inverses Associated with Minkowski-Leontief Matrices

Y. K. Wong
p. 350-359

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Stability of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in a Multi-Country System

J. J. Polak, Ta-Chung Liu
p. 360-389

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Errata: Contents (front cover)

p. 405-405

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Errata: Compte Rendu of the Innsbruck Meeting

p. 405-405

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Notice of Detroit Meeting, December 27-30, 1954

p. 405-405

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Notice of Montreal Meeting, September 10-13, 1954

p. 405-405

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Some Basic Principles of Price of Living Measurements: A Survey Article

Ragnar Frisch
p. 407-421

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Rational Selection of Decision Functions

Herman Chernoff
p. 422-443

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The Consumption of Food in Relation to Household Composition and Income

J. A. C. Brown
p. 444-460

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The Effect of Structural Matrix Errors on Interindustry Relations Estimates

W. Duane Evans
p. 461-480

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Import Substitution in Leontief Models

Kenneth J. Arrow
p. 481-492

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A Note on Balanced Growth

John F. Muth
p. 493-495

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Dynamic Growth under Diminishing Returns to Scale

Daniel B. Suits
p. 496-501

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Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale: Some Comments

Hans Neisser
p. 502-503

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Dynamic Growth under Diminishing Returns to Scale, and Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale: A Brief Comment

Paul A. Samuelson, Robert M. Solow
p. 504-504

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Linear Expenditure Functions: An Expository Article

Ragnar Frisch
p. 505-510

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Program of Kingston Meeting, August 31-September 4, 1953

p. 511-512

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Report of the Washington Meeting, December 27-30, 1953

p. 513-530

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News Note

p. 542-543

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Notice of Detroit Meeting, December 27-30, 1954

p. 542-542

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Plans for Special Publications

p. 542-542

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List of Proposed New Members of the Econometric Society as of September 30, 1954

p. 543-546

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