
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 30

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Henry L. Moore

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Henry L. Moore and Statistical Economics

George J. Stigler
p. 1-21

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A Mathematical Investigation of Some Economic Effects of Profit Sharing in Socialist Firms

J. Kornai, T. Liptak
p. 140-161

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The Influence of Errors on the Correlation of Ratios

F. E. A. Briggs
p. 162-177

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The Existence of an Optimum Savings Program

S. Chakravarty
p. 178-187

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Compte Rendu du Congres de Naples, 12-14 Septembre 1960

F. Bessiere
p. 188-206

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Letter to the Editor

R.L. Basmann
p. 207-208

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Proposed Election of Fellows, 1962

p. 219-219

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Travel Grant to Pittsburgh Meeting

p. 219-219

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The Effect of Consumer Experience on Brand Loyalty and the Structure of Market Demand

Harold Demsetz
p. 22-33

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Estimation of Production Function Parameters Combining Time-Series and Cross-Section Data

Irving Hoch
p. 34-53

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Three-Stage Least Squares: Simultaneous Estimation of Simultaneous Equations

Arnold Zellner, H. Theil
p. 54-78

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Identification and Estimation in a Simultaneous Equations Model with Errors in the Variables

H. S. Konijn
p. 79-87

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Economic Growth and the Theory of International Income Flows

Murray Brown, Ronald Jones
p. 88-97

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The Pattern of Japanese Growth, 1914-1954

Hollis B. Chenery, Shuntaro Shishido, Tsunehiko Watanabe
p. 98-139

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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United States Imports, 1947-1958

Lawrence B. Krause
p. 221-238

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Investment, Innovation, and Growth

Benton F. Massell
p. 239-252

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A Game Theory Model for Agricultural Crop Selection

Sidney Moglewer
p. 253-266

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Buffer Stocks, Sales Expectations, and Stability: A Multi-Sector Analysis of the Inventory Cycle

Michael C. Lovell
p. 267-296

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On Devising Unbiased Estimators for the Parameters of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Phoebus J. Dhrymes
p. 297-304

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Preference Scales and Expenditure Systems

S. N. Afriat
p. 305-323

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Partial Trace Correlations

John W. Hooper
p. 324-331

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A Note on the Evaluation of the Marginal Efficiency of Capital

Sakari T. Jutila
p. 332-335

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Note on Program Uncertainty in the Dynamic Programming Problem

Richard C. Kao
p. 336-342

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Note on the Computation of Full-Information Maximum-Likelihood Estimates of Coefficients of a Simultaneous System

Harry Eisenpress
p. 343-348

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An Alternate Proof and Extension of Solow's Theorem on Nonnegative Square Matrices

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 349-350

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Report of the Stillwater Meeting, August 30-September 1, 1961

p. 351-377

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Report of the Waltair Meeting

p. 378-380

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Announcement of the December, 1962 Meeting

p. 406-406

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Announcement of the Summer Meeting

p. 406-406

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Demand for Capital Goods by Manufacturers: A Study of Quarterly Time Series

Frank de Leeuw
p. 407-423

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Equilibrium in a Reinsurance Market

Karl Borch
p. 424-444

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Utility Theory without the Completeness Axiom

Robert J. Aumann
p. 445-462

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A Theorem on Non-Tatonnement Stability

Frank H. Hahn, Takashi Negishi
p. 463-469

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Bayesian Inference and Axioms of Consistent Decision

J. Wolfowitz
p. 470-479

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The Exact Sampling Distributions of Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the Marginal Propensity to Consume

A. R. Bergstrom
p. 480-490

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Notes on Estimated Aggregate Quarterly Consumption Functions

G. S. Maddala, N. Wallace, R. Lucas, Z. Griliches
p. 491-500

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Wages, Capital Costs, and Employment in Manufacturing: A Model Applied to 1947-58 U.S. Data

Ronald I. McKinnon
p. 501-521

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An Investigation of the Dynamic Stability and Stationary States of the United States Potato Market, 1930-1958

P. Zusman
p. 522-547

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Farmers' Budgets in a Depression Period

A. P. Barten, C. T. Leenders, H. Theil
p. 548-564

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The Place of Least Squares in Econometrics: Comment

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 565-567

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The Place of Least Squares in Econometrics: Further Comment

Frederick V. Waugh
p. 568-569

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Efficient Capital Accumulation: A Corrigendum

E. Malinvaud
p. 570-573

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Report of the New York Meeting, December 27-29, 1961

p. 574-596

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Election of Fellows, 1961

p. 623-625

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 625-628

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Deceased Fellows

p. 628-628

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Further News on the Copenhagen Meeting

p. 628-629

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Announcement of the December, 1962 Meeting

p. 629-629

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Accountants' Opinion

p. 630-630

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Treasurer's Report

p. 630-632

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Errata: Additive Preferences

Hendrik S. Houthakker
p. 633-633

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Errata: Membership List

p. 633-633

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Errata: The Capacity Method of Quadratic Programming

Hendrik S. Houthakker
p. 633-633

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Stability of a Competitive Economy: A Survey Article

Takashi Negishi
p. 635-669

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The Elasticity of Import Demand for Raw Apparel Wool in the United States

C. E. Ferguson, Metodey Polasek
p. 670-699

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The Influence of the Capital-Output Ratio on Real National Income

Maurice Allais
p. 700-728

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The Accumulation of Risky Capital: A Sequential Utility Analysis

Edmund S. Phelps
p. 729-743

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Optimal Aggregation in Multi-Equation Prediction Models

Walter D. Fisher
p. 744-769

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An Analysis of Instalment Borrowing by Durable Goods Buyers

Maw Lin Lee
p. 770-787

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Further Development of a Distributed Lag Investment Function

James J. Diamond
p. 788-800

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Prediction from Simultaneous Equation Systems and Wold's Implicit Causal Chain Model

A. M. Kshirsagar
p. 801-811

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The Birth Rate and Economic Development: An Empirical Study

Robert Weintraub
p. 812-817

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On the Speed of Establishing Multi-Sectoral Equilibrium

Michio Morishima, Yukio Kaneko
p. 818-823

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Letter to the Editor

R. L. Basmann
p. 824-826

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