
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 38

Issue 1

Announcement of a Change in Publication Schedule

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Announcement of the Fifth Far Eastern Meeting

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Some Adjustment Problems

F. H. Hahn
p. 1-17

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Value Share Transitions in Consumer Demand Theory

Henri Theil
p. 118-127

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Optimal Growth in a Nonshiftable Capital Model

Sanjit Bose
p. 128-152

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Impact, Pattern, and Duration of New Orders for Defense Products

Maw Lin Lee
p. 153-164

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Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of a Choice Set under Majority Voting

Prasanta K. Pattanaik
p. 165-170

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Professor Tobin's "Money and Economic Growth"

Keizo Nagatani
p. 171-175

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Notes and Comments: The Distribution of the Mid-Range--A Comment

Barr Rosenberg
p. 176-177

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Sufficient Conditions for Optimality in an Infinite Horizon Development Plan

Alan S. Manne
p. 18-38

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The Moment Matrix of the Two-Stage Least-Squares Estimator of Coefficients in Different Equations of a Complete System of Simultaneous Equations

A. L. Nagar, Y. P. Gupta
p. 39-49

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Iterative Multilevel Planning with Production Targets

Martin Weitzman
p. 50-65

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Lindahl's Solution and the Core of an Economy with Public Goods

Duncan K. Foley
p. 66-72

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A Correspondence Principle for Simultaneous Equation Models

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 73-92

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Utility Functions for Partially Ordered Topological Spaces

Bezalel Peleg
p. 93-96

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Testing for the Independence of Regression Disturbances

Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
p. 97-117

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Leonid Hurwicz, President of the Econometric Society, 1969; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1968

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Comparison of Alternative Econometric Models of Quarterly Investment Behavior

Dale W. Jorgenson, Jerald Hunter, M. Ishag Nadiri
p. 187-212

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The Predictive Performance of Econometric Models of Quarterly Investment Behavior

Dale W. Jorgenson, Jerald Hunter, M. Ishag Nadiri
p. 213-224

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The One-Stage Deformation Method: An Algorithm for Quadratic Programming

Roger Even Bove
p. 225-230

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Public Interpretation of Federal Reserve Discount Rate Changes: Evidence on the "Announcement Effect"

Roger N. Waud
p. 231-250

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Characterization of the Pareto Distribution Through a Model of Underreported Incomes

N. Krishnaji
p. 251-255

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Estimating Cost Function Parameters Without Using Cost Data: Illustrated Methodology

James N. Rosse
p. 256-275

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Solutions to the Decomposable von Neumann Model

Roman L. Weil
p. 276-280

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Price Distortion and Economic Welfare

Edward Foster, Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 281-297

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Some Aspects of Evaluating Road Improvements in Congested Areas

J. M. Thomson
p. 298-310

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Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model

P. A. V. B. Swamy
p. 311-323

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The Mathematical Relation Between the Income Density Function and the Measurement of Income Inequality

Daniel B. Levine, Neil M. Singer
p. 324-330

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Optimal Growth with Irreversible Investment in a Ramsey Model

Kenneth J. Arrow, Mordecai Kurz
p. 331-344

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The Probability of a Cyclical Majority

Charles R. Plott, Frank DeMeyer
p. 345-354

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Notes and Comments: The Relative Instability of Balanced Growth

Michael C. Lovell
p. 355-359

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Notes and Comments: The Relative Instability of Balanced Growth--Reply

Jinkichi Tsukui
p. 360-360

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Notes and Comments: Tests of Equality Between Sets of Coefficients in Two Linear Regressions: An Expository Note

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 361-366

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Notes and Comments: Unbiased Prediction by Recursive Least Squares

A. S. Goldberger
p. 367-367

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Notes and Comments: Error-in-the-Variables Bias in Nonlinear Contexts

Vidar Ringstad, Zvi Griliches
p. 368-370

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 382-383

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News Notes

p. 383-384

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Addendum: Approximate Aggregation and the Leontief Conditions

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 384-384

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Erratum: Some Relationships Derived from Canonical Correlation Theory

Harry R. Glahn
p. 384-384

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Economies with a Finite Set of Equilibria

Gerard Debreu
p. 387-392

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Interpersonal Aggregation and Partial Comparability

Amartya Sen
p. 393-409

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Testing for Serial Correlation in Least-Squares Regression When Some of the Regressors are Lagged Dependent Variables

J. Durbin
p. 410-421

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An Alternative to the Bounds Test for Testing for Serial Correlation in Least-Squares Regression

J. Durbin
p. 422-429

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The Formation of Groups for Cooperative Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Jakob Rosing
p. 430-448

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Factor Accumulation and the Terms of Trade: A Three-Country, Three-Commodity, Three-Factor Analysis

Raveendra Batra
p. 449-452

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Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Planning Models

David Kendrick, Lance Taylor
p. 453-467

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Homothetic Separability and Consumer Budgeting

Charles Blackorby, David Nissen, George Lady, R. Robert Russell
p. 468-472

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An Approximate Method for Solving a Continuous Time Allocation Problem

Jaromir Abrham
p. 473-481

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Intransitive Individual Indifference and Transitive Majorities

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 482-489

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A Decomposition Algorithm for Solving the Multifacility Production-Transportation Problem with Nonlinear Production Costs

J. Frank Sharp, James C. Snyder, James H. Greene
p. 490-506

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The Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Lagged Endogenous Variables and First Order Serially Correlated Errors

Ray C. Fair
p. 507-516

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Further Implications of Distortion in the Factor Market

Yair Mundlak
p. 517-532

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Approximations to Finite Sample Moments of Estimators Whose Exact Sampling Distributions are Unknown

T. N. Srinivasan
p. 533-541

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Indivisibilites dans une Economie d'Echanges

Claude Henry
p. 542-558

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A Microeconomic Production Function

David Levhari, Eytan Sheshinski
p. 559-573

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 583-583

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An Appeal for Preservation of Archival Materials

p. 584-585

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Issue 4

North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Transportation Studies

p. 193-195

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p. 196-196

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Author Index

p. 197-198

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Program of the European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969

p. 21-30

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Decisions in Uncertainty

p. 31-32

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Empirical Studies of Demand

p. 32-32

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Collective Choices

p. 33-34

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: European Meeting

p. 34-34

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Computing Problems and Model Design

p. 35-37

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Computing Problems and Model Design

p. 38-38

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Modelling of Socialist Economics

p. 39-42

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Econometric Estimation I

p. 42-44

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Macroeconomic Dynamics

p. 45-46

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Theory of Choices I

p. 46-47

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: General Equilibrium Theory I

p. 47-50

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Optimal Growth

p. 5-6

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Econometric Estimation II

p. 50-50

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Econometric Estimation II: Autoregressive Structures

p. 50-52

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Theory of Choices II

p. 52-54

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Economic Models III

p. 55-56

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Econometric Studies of Very Short Term Decisions

p. 56-58

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: General Equilibrium Theory II

p. 58-59

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Econometric Methods

p. 6-8

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Empirical Studies of Decision Making in Uncertainty

p. 60-60

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Econometric Studies of Long Term Individual Decisions

p. 60-62

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European Meeting, Brussels, September 1969: Theory of Choices III

p. 62-65

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Ninth Indian Econometric Conference, Patna, December 1969: [Program]: Abstracts of Papers Presented to the Ninth Indian Econometric Conference, Patna, December 1969

p. 67-70

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Ninth Indian Econometric Conference, Patna, December 1969: Abstracts of Papers

p. 71-89

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Economic Policy

p. 8-9

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Production Functions

p. 9-10

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Program of the North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969

p. 91-102

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Program of the Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969

p. 1-4

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Consumer Theory

p. 103-104

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Production Function Theory

p. 104-105

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: North American Regional Conference

p. 106-107

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Existence of Equilibrium

p. 107-109

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Consumer Behavior

p. 109-115

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Invited Address

p. 11-11

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Investment Analysis

p. 11-12

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Production Function Estimation

p. 116-117

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Interest Rates

p. 118-120

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Monetary Theory

p. 12-12

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Optimality of Competitive Equilibrium

p. 120-121

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Price Behavior

p. 122-124

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Utility Theory

p. 124-125

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Technical Change

p. 125-128

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Air and Water Pollution

p. 128-130

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: International Trade and Economic Growth

p. 13-14

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Uncertainty

p. 130-133

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Growth Models

p. 133-135

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Small Sample Results

p. 136-137

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Economic Development: Country Studies

p. 137-139

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Theory of the Firm

p. 139-141

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Optimal Economic Growth

p. 141-143

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Investment Behavior

p. 143-150

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Econometric Analysis of Policy Effects

p. 15-17

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Firm Behavior

p. 150-153

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Econometric Theory

p. 153-154

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Input-Output

p. 155-157

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: International Trade Theory

p. 157-159

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Econometric Models

p. 159-162

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Dynamic Economic Planning

p. 162-165

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Monetary Theory

p. 165-167

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Intertemporal Models

p. 167-171

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Econometric Models for Japan

p. 17-18

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Distributed Lags

p. 171-172

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Oligopoly Theory

p. 172-174

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Labor Economics

p. 174-182

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Fourth Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1969: Economic Development

p. 18-20

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Population Planning

p. 182-184

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Voting Theory

p. 184-186

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Monetary Policy

p. 186-189

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Adjustment Mechanisms, Decentralization, and Information Processing

p. 189-190

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December 1969: Phillips Curve

p. 190-193

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Optimal Investment and Consumption Strategies Under Risk for a Class of Utility Functions

Nils H. Hakansson
p. 587-607

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Existence of Equilibria for Economies with Production and a Measure Space of Consumers

Werner Hildenbrand
p. 608-623

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An Econometric Model of the Israeli Economy, 1952-1965

Michael K. Evans
p. 624-660

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Another Type of Risk Aversion

Emmett Keeler, Richard Zeckhauser
p. 661-665

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Recursive Decision Systems: An Existence Analysis

Peter E. Kennedy, Richard H. Day
p. 666-681

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Some Properties of "Optimal" Seasonal Adjustment

D. M. Grether, M. Nerlove
p. 682-703

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The Efficiency of Competitive Programs

David Starrett
p. 704-711

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A Macro Model of the U.S. Labor Market

H. H. Kelejian, S. W. Black
p. 712-741

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The Small Sample Properties of Simultaneous Equation Least Absolute Estimators vis-a-vis Least Squares Estimators

Fred R. Glahe, Jerry G. Hunt
p. 742-753

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Production Correspondences

S. E. Jacobsen
p. 754-771

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Notes and Comments: The Asymptotic Unbiasedness of Two-Stage Least Squares

David H. Richardson
p. 772-772

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Notes and Comments: Comment on Invariance Axioms and Economic Indexes

Claude Hillinger
p. 773-774

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Notes and Comments: Estimating the Linear Probability Function

Robert G. McGillivray
p. 775-776

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 789-790

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Addendum: Economies with a Finite Set of Equilibria

G. Debreu
p. 790-790

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News Notes

p. 790-790

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Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Continuity Properties of the Core of a Market

Yakar Kannai
p. 791-815

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The Restricted Aitken Estimation of Sets of Demand Relations

R. P. Byron
p. 816-830

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Linear Programming Models for National Planning: Demonstration of a Testing Procedure

Jeffrey B. Nugent
p. 831-855

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Economies of Scale in Financial Institutions: A Study in Life Insurance

David B. Houston, Richard M. Simon
p. 856-864

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Analysis of Distributed Lag Models with Applications to Consumption Function Estimation

Arnold Zellner, Martin S. Geisel
p. 865-888

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Equivalence of Price and Quantity Formulations of Spatial Equilibrium: Purified Duality in Quadratic and Concave Programming

A. D. Woodland, T. Takayama
p. 889-906

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Public Goods and Income Distribution

Henry Aaron, Martin McGuire
p. 907-920

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Notes and Comments: Aggregation in Input-Output Analysis: An Extension of Fisher's Method

H. Neudecker
p. 921-926

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Notes and Comments: An Axiomatic Basis for the Ramsey-Weizsacker Overtaking Criterion

William A. Brock
p. 927-929

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Notes and Comments: An Exact Small Sample Property of the k-Class Estimators

Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
p. 930-932

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Notes and Comments: Comments on Hansson's "Group Preferences"

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 933-935

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Notes and Comments: A Geometrical Note on New Income Inequality Measures

Ljubomir Martic
p. 936-937

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Notes and Comments: Two-Stage Least-Squares Estimation with Shifts in the Structural Form

A. P. Barten, Lise Salvas Bronsard
p. 938-941

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 952-952

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