
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 46

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Lionel W. McKenzie, President of the Econometric Society, 1977; First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1976; Second Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1975

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Bayesian Estimates of Equation System Parameters: An Application of Integration by Monte Carlo

H. K. van Dijk, T. Kloek
p. 1-19

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Wage and Price Controls in a Dynamic Macro Model

Uri M. Possen
p. 105-125

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Approximate Efficiency of Non-Walrasian Nash Equilibria

A. Postlewaite, D. Schmeidler
p. 127-136

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Induced Preferences on Trades when Preferences May Be Intransitive and Incomplete

Trout Rader
p. 137-146

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A Note on the Characterization of Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences

Mark Walker
p. 147-152

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Consistent Voting Systems

Bezalel Peleg
p. 153-161

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On Nicely Consistent Voting Systems

Bhaskar Dutta, Prasanta K. Pattanaik
p. 163-170

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Realization of Choice Functions

Donald E. Campbell
p. 171-180

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Admissible Sets of Utility Functions in Expected Utility Maximization

Tae Kun Seo, William R. Russell
p. 181-184

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Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and Dynamic Choice Theory

David M. Kreps, Evan L. Porteus
p. 185-200

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Exploitation of Many Deposits of an Exhaustible Resource

John M. Hartwick
p. 201-217

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Approximating the Exact Finite Sample Distribution of a Spectral Estimator

D. S. Poskitt
p. 21-32

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Extermination of Self-Reproducible Natural Resources under Competitive Conditions

Michael Hoel
p. 219-224

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Use of Durbin's h Tests when the Equation is Estimated by Instrumental Variables

L. G. Godfrey
p. 225-228

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Notes and Comments: Indeterminacy of the Chow Test when the Number of Observations Is Insufficient

John D. Rea
p. 229-229

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Notes and Comments: Identification and Estimation of Consumer Unit Scales

A. L. Nagar, Balvir Singh
p. 231-233

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Stochastic Simulation of Econometric Models

Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari, Paolo Corsi
p. 235-236

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Computer Algorithms: A Computer Program for Inequality Constrained Least-Squares Estimation

Chong K. Liew, Jae K. Shim
p. 237-237

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Computer Algorithms: A General Computer for Econometric Models--Shazam

Kenneth J. White
p. 239-240

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Computer Algorithms: A Fast and Simple Method to Find Rank and Basis for a Matrix

Balder Von Hohenbalken
p. 241-242

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1978 Meetings of the Econometric Society

p. 243-243

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1978 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society in Boulder

p. 243-243

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Fall 1978 Econometric Society Meetings in Chicago

p. 243-243

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1978 European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Geneva

p. 244-244

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 244-244

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News Notes

p. 244-245

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A Note of Appreciation

Lionel McKenzie
p. 246-246

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Report of the Secretary

Julie P. Gordon
p. 247-251

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Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 251-257

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Report of the Editor

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 257-259

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Program of the Econometric Society Summer European Meeting, September 6-9, 1977, Vienna, Austria

p. 260-267

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Regression Quantiles

Gilbert Bassett, Jr., Roger Koenker
p. 33-50

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A Maximum Likelihood Procedure for Regression with Autocorrelated Errors

Charles M. Beach, James G. MacKinnon
p. 51-58

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Testing for Autocorrelation with Missing Observations

Kenneth J. White, N. E. Savin
p. 59-67

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On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data

Yair Mundlak
p. 69-85

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The Bilinear Complementarity Problem and Competitive Equilibria of Piecewise Linear Economic Models

Robert Wilson
p. 87-103

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Efficiency in the Optimum Supply of Public Goods

Eytan Sheshinski, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Lawrence J. Lau
p. 269-284

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How Long is a Spell of Unemployment?

Robert H. Frank
p. 285-302

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On Inequality Comparisons

Gary S. Fields, John C. H. Fei
p. 303-316

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Intermediate Preferences and the Majority Rule

Jean-Michel Grandmont
p. 317-330

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On a Difficulty in the Analysis of Strategic Voting

Manimay Sengupta
p. 331-343

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Estimation of Demand Systems Generated by the Gorman Polar Form; A Generalization of the S-Branch Utility Tree

Charles Blackorby, R. Robert Russell, Richard Boyce
p. 345-363

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Aggregate CES Input Demand with Polytomous Micro Demand

Anthony G. Lawrence, Richard J. McDonald
p. 365-378

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Joint Production Technology: The Case of Petrochemicals

James M. Griffin
p. 379-396

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Increasing Returns in General Non-Competitive Analysis

Joaquim Silvestre
p. 397-402

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A Conditional Probit Model for Qualitative Choice: Discrete Decisions Recognizing Interdependence and Heterogeneous Preferences

David A. Wise, Jerry A. Hausman
p. 403-426

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Discrete Parameter Variation: Efficient Estimation of a Switching Regression Model

Nicholas M. Kiefer
p. 427-434

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Constrained Indirect Least Squares Estimators

Leon L. Wegge
p. 435-449

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A Note on a Central Limit Theorem

E. J. Hannan
p. 451-453

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Budgeting, Separability, and Generalized Separability

Peter Simmons
p. 455-458

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Notes and Comments: A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: Comment

J. S. Cramer
p. 459-460

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Notes and Comments: A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: Reply

G. S. Maddala, S. K. Singh
p. 461-461

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Notes and Comments: On the Asymptotic Distribution of Impact and Interim Multipliers

Leonard Gill, Sophocles N. Brissimis
p. 463-469

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Notes and Comments: A Note of Correction to Guilkey's Test for Serial Independence in Simultaneous Equations Models

Athol Maritz
p. 471-471

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Notes and Comments: Some Remarks on the Algorithm of Pindyck

Gotz Uebe, Joachim Fischer
p. 473-476

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Causal and Qualitative Analysis of Economic Models--ANAS

G. Ritschard, M. Gilli
p. 477-478

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Computer Algorithms: A Computer Program for Seemingly Unrelated Nonlinear Regressions

David J. Faurot, Vincy Fon
p. 479-479

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Nonlinear Multivariate Regression--GCM

J. J. Snella
p. 481-481

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1978 Meetings of the Econometric Society

p. 483-483

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1978 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society in Boulder

p. 483-483

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Fall 1978 Econometric Society Meetings in Chicago

p. 483-484

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1978 European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Geneva

p. 484-484

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Nominations for Society Fellows

p. 484-484

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Selected Articles for Publication in the Journal Econometrica

p. 484-485

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 485-485

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News Notes

p. 486-486

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Election of Fellows, 1977

p. 487-491

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Choice of Product Quality: Equilibrium and Efficiency

Jacques H. Dreze, Kare P. Hagen
p. 493-513

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Transversality Condition in a Multi-Sector Economy under Uncertainty

Itzhak Zilcha
p. 515-525

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Optimal Growth with a Convex-Concave Production Function

A. K. Skiba
p. 527-539

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An Equilibrium Existence Theorem without Convexity Assumptions

Akira Yamazaki
p. 541-555

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Economic Equilibrium and Catastrophe Theory: An Introduction

Yves Balasko
p. 557-569

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Non-Convexifiable Pareto Sets

Rolf Mantel, Yakar Kannai
p. 571-575

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Competitive Exchange

Robert Wilson
p. 577-585

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The Nash Solution and the Utility of Bargaining

Alvin E. Roth
p. 587-594

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Straightforwardness of Game Forms with Lotteries as Outcomes

Allan Gibbard
p. 595-614

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A Method for Computing Optimal Decision Rules for a Competitive Firm

J. F. O’Connor
p. 615-630

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Simultaneity in the Birth Rate Equation: The Effects of Eduction, Labor Force Participation, Income and Health

Darius J. Conger, John M. Campbell, Jr.
p. 631-641

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Temporal Aggregation in the Multiple Regression Model

John Geweke
p. 643-661

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The Heteroscedastic Linear Model: Exact Finite Sample Results

William E. Taylor
p. 663-675

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Testing Non-Nested Nonlinear Regression Models

A. S. Deaton, M. H. Pesaran
p. 677-694

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A Modified Stein-like Estimator for the Reduced Form Coefficients of Simultaneous Equations

Esfandiar Maasoumi
p. 695-703

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Double k-Class Estimators of Coefficients in Linear Regression

Aman Ullah, Shobha Ullah
p. 705-722

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Notes and Comments: The Computation of Equilibrium Prices

Parkash Chander
p. 723-726

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 727-727

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News Notes

p. 727-728

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Program of the North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, December 28-30, 1977, New York, New York

p. 729-738

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Examination of Environmental Policies Using Production and Pollution Microparameter Distributions

David Zilberman, Eithan Hochman
p. 739-760

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On a Planning Process Due to Taylor

Parkash Chander
p. 761-777

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Existence and Computation of a Tiebout General Equilibrium

Donald K. Richter
p. 779-805

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Information, Efficiency, and the Core of an Economy

Robert Wilson
p. 807-816

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Ordinal Preferences and Uncertain Lifetimes

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 817-833

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Advantageous Reallocations of Initial Resources

Jean-Jacques Laffont, Roger Guesnerie
p. 835-841

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The Linear Logarithmic Expenditure System: An Application to Consumption-Leisure Choice

Lawrence J. Lau, Pan A. Yotopoulos, Wuu-Long Lin
p. 843-868

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Testing Price Equations for Stability Across Spectral Frequency Bands

Robert F. Engle
p. 869-881

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Superlative Index Numbers and Consistency in Aggregation

W. E. Diewert
p. 883-900

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Nonlinear Estimation and Asymptotic Approximations

James B. Ramsey
p. 901-929

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Dummy Endogenous Variables in a Simultaneous Equation System

James J. Heckman
p. 931-959

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Least-Squares versus Instrumental Variables Estimation in a Simple Errors in Variables Model

Edward E. Leamer
p. 961-968

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Identifiability and Consistent Estimability in Econometric Models

Hans-Gunther Seifert, Manfred Deistler
p. 969-980

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p. 981-981

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 981-982

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A Simple Method of Implementing the Box-Cox Test for Functional Form

p. 982-982

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News Note

p. 982-982

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Errata: A Note on the Characterization of Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences

Mark Walker
p. 983-983

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Errata: The Nash Solution and the Utility of Bargaining

Alvin E. Roth
p. 983-983

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Measurement of Mobility

A. F. Shorrocks
p. 1013-1024

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The Demand for Leisure and Money

Louis Phlips
p. 1025-1043

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A New Representation of Preferences over "Certain x Uncertain" Consumption Pairs: The "Ordinal Certainty Equivalent" Hypothesis

Larry Selden
p. 1045-1060

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Competitive Speculation

Meir Kohn
p. 1061-1076

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A Multiperiod Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model

M. G. Subrahmanyam, R. C. Stapleton
p. 1077-1096

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Effective Price Mechanisms

Carl P. Simon, Donald G. Saari
p. 1097-1125

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The Fixed Price Equilibria: Some Results in Local Comparative Statics

Guy Laroque
p. 1127-1154

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Existence of Equilibrium in Infinite Economies with Production

Salim Rashid
p. 1155-1164

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The Sensitivity of Fiscal Policy Effects to Assumptions about the Behavior of the Federal Reserve

Ray C. Fair
p. 1165-1179

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Estimation of a Distributed Lag Model under Quadratic Loss

P. K. Trivedi
p. 1181-1192

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The Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Generalized Probit Model

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 1193-1205

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Interpretation of Regression Coefficients within a Class of Truncated Distributions

Angelo Melino, Dale J. Poirier
p. 1207-1209

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Notes and Comments: Note on the Uniqueness of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Tobit Model

Randall J. Olsen
p. 1211-1215

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Notes and Comments: On the Estimation of Triangular Structural Systems

Kajal Lahiri, Peter Schmidt
p. 1217-1221

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Notes and Comments: Bounds for the Bias of the LS Estimator of @s^2 in the Case of a First-Order (Positive) Autoregressive Process when the Regression Contains a Constant Term

H. Neudecker
p. 1223-1226

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Dynamic Simulation Forecasts and Stochastic Forecast-Period Exogenous Variables

Peter Schmidt
p. 1227-1230

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Notes and Comments: Investment Decision Rules, Diversification, and the Investors's Initial Wealth

Haim Levy, Yoram Kroll
p. 1231-1237

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Notes and Comments: A Note on "Marx in the Light of Modern Economic Theory" by M. Morishima

Andras Simonovits
p. 1239-1241

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Notes and Comments: Marx in the Light of Modern Economic Theory: A Reply

Michio Morishma
p. 1243-1243

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Report on the Presidency for 1977 to the Council of the Econometric Society

Lionel McKenzie
p. 1245-1247

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1249-1249

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News Notes

p. 1249-1249

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Erratum: [Econometrica Twenty-Five Year Index]

p. 1250-1250

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Dynamic Aspects of Earning Mobility

Lee A. Lillard, Robert J. Willis
p. 985-1012

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Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Specification Tests in Econometrics

J. A. Hausman
p. 1251-1271

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Information Criteria for Discriminating Among Alternative Regression Models

Takamitsu Sawa
p. 1273-1291

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Testing Against General Autoregressive and Moving Average Error Models when the Regressors Include Lagged Dependent Variables

L. G. Godfrey
p. 1293-1301

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Testing for Higher Order Serial Correlation in Regression Equations when the Regressors Include Lagged Dependent Variables

L. G. Godfrey
p. 1303-1310

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A Class of Parametric Tests for Heteroscedasticity in Linear Econometric Models

Jerzy Szroeter
p. 1311-1327

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On the Existence of the Moments of 3SLS Estimators

J. D. Sargan
p. 1329-1350

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The Computation of FIML Estimates as Iterative Generalized Least Squares Estimates in Linear and Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations Models

Marcel G. Dagenais
p. 1351-1362

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Decisions with Estimation Uncertainty

David S. Sibley, Lawrence C. Rafsky, Robert D. Willig, Roger W. Klein
p. 1363-1387

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Two Linear Decentralized Procedures

Dominique Lacaze
p. 1389-1409

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On the Time Consistency of Optimal Policy in a Monetary Economy

Guillermo A. Calvo
p. 1411-1428

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Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy

Robert E. Lucas, Jr.
p. 1429-1445

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Construction of Outcome Functions Guaranteeing Existence and Pareto Optimality of Nash Equilibria

David Schmeidler, Leonid Hurwicz
p. 1447-1474

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Unequal Treatment in the Core

A. Khan, H. M. Polemarchakis
p. 1475-1481

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An Elementary Core Equivalence Theorem

Robert M. Anderson
p. 1483-1487

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Notes and Comments: On Durbin's and Sims' Residuals in Autocorrelation Tests

Shirley Cassing, Warren T. Dent
p. 1489-1492

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Notes and Comments: An Alternative Derivation of Durbin's h Statistic

John Aldrich
p. 1493-1494

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Notes and Comments: Efficiency of Two-Stage and Three-Stage Least Squares Estimators

Ramji Tiwari, V. K. Srivastava
p. 1495-1498

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Notes and Comments: A Composite Good Theorem for Simple Sum Aggregates

Shmuel Sharir, Yoram Weiss
p. 1499-1501

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Notes and Comments: A Note on "Aggregation in Leontief Matrices and the Labor Theory of Value"

Neven Mates
p. 1503-1504

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1979 European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Athens

p. 1505-1505

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1505-1506

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News Notes

p. 1506-1507

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