
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 63

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Role of Information in U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auction

Robert H. Porter
p. 1-27

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Adaptive Dynamics in Coordination Games

Vincent P. Crawford
p. 103-143

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$p$-Dominance and Belief Potential

Hyun Song Shin, Rafael Rob, Stephen Morris
p. 145-157

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Subjective Probability Without Monotonicity: or How Machina's Mom May Also be Probabilistically Sophisticated

Simon Grant
p. 159-189

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Notes and Comments: Every Stable Set Contains a Fully Stable Set

Srihari Govindan
p. 191-193

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Notes and Comments: Local Convergence of Recursive Learning to Steady States and Cycles in Stochastic Nonlinear Models

George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja
p. 195-206

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Notes and Comments: A Mirror Image Invariance for $M$-Estimators

Andrew Chesher
p. 207-211

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p. 213-221

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News Notes

p. 223-226

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: Report of the Secretary

p. 227-234

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 235-240

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: Report of the Editors 1993-1994

David Card, Douglas Gale, Guy Laroque, Peter Robinson
p. 241-242

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: Econometrica Referees 1993-1994

p. 243-247

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: The Econometric Society Research Monograph Series: Report of the Editors

Alberto Holly, Avinash Dixit
p. 249-250

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Program of the 1994 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 251-264

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The Incidence of Adverse Medical Outcomes Under Prospective Payment

David M. Cutler
p. 29-50

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Strategy-Proof Exchange

Matthew O. Jackson, Salvador Barbera
p. 51-87

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Efficiency of an Information System in an Agency Model

Son Ku Kim
p. 89-102

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Modelling Nonlinear Relationships between Extended-Memory Variables

C. W. J. Granger
p. 265-279

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Identification and Robustness with Contaminated and Corrupted Data

Charles F. Manski, Joel L. Horowitz
p. 281-302

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Sisters, Siblings, and Mothers: The Effect of Teen-Age Childbearing on Birth Outcomes in a Dynamic Family Context

Kenneth I. Wolpin, Mark R. Rosenzweig
p. 303-326

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Congestion Pricing and Capacity of Large Hub Airports: A Bottleneck Model with Stochastic Queues

Joseph I. Daniel
p. 327-370

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A Stochastic Model of Sequential Bargaining with Complete Information

Antonio Merlo, Charles Wilson
p. 371-399

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The Recursive Core

Robert A. Becker, Subir. K. Chakrabarti
p. 401-423

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Notes and Comments: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Perfect Finite Horizon Folk Theorem

Lones Smith
p. 425-430

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Notes and Comments: Proportional Budgeting and Decentralization

Charles Blackorby, R. Robert Russell
p. 431-439

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Notes and Comments: A Locally Stable Adjustment Process

Anjan Mukherji
p. 441-448

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p. 449-451

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News Notes

p. 453-454

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Program of the Thirteenth Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 455-472

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Program of the 1994 European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 473-506

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Issue 3

[Photograph]: Takashi Negishi, President of the Econometric Society, 1994

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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The Existence of Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games with Almost Perfect Information: A Case for Public Randomization

Arthur Robson, Christopher Harris, Philip Reny
p. 507-544

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Perfect Equilibria in a Negotiation Model

Lutz-Alexander Busch, Quan Wen
p. 545-565

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Renegotiation of Sales Contracts

Steven A. Matthews
p. 567-589

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Optimal Procurement Mechanisms

Alejandro M. Manelli, Daniel R. Vincent
p. 591-620

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Competing Vertical Structures: Precommitment and Renegotiation

B. Caillaud, B. Jullien, P. Picard
p. 621-646

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Distribution of Income and Aggregation of Demand

F. Marhuenda
p. 647-666

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The Normal Approximation for Semiparametric Averaged Derivatives

P. M. Robinson
p. 667-680

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An Empirical Investigation of Asset Pricing with Temporally Dependent Preference Specifications

John Heaton
p. 681-717

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p. 719-719

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News Notes

p. 721-722

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1994: Report of the President

Takashi Negishi
p. 723-725

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1994 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 727-732

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Fellows of the Econometric Society, January, 1995

p. 733-751

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Program of the 1995 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 752-753

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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p. 1002-1003

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News Notes

p. 1004-1004

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Program of the 1995 Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society

p. 1005-1021

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Ragnar Frisch, Editor of Econometrica 1933-1954

Olav Bjerkholt
p. 755-765

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Back to the Future: Generating Moment Implications for Continuous-Time Markov Processes

Jose Alexandre Scheinkman, Lars Peter Hansen
p. 767-804

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Individual Income, Incomplete Information, and Aggregate Consumption

Jorn-Steffen Pischke
p. 805-840

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Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium

Ariel Pakes, James Levinsohn, Steven Berry
p. 841-890

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Product Differentiation and Oligopoly in International Markets: The Case of the U.S. Automobile Industry

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg
p. 891-951

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Econometrics of First-Price Auctions

Herve Ossard, Jean-Jacques Laffont, Quang Vuong
p. 953-980

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Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Optimal Growth: An Example

Kazuo Nishimura, Makoto Yano
p. 981-1001

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Fully Modified Least Squares and Vector Autoregression

Peter C. B. Phillips
p. 1023-1078

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Second Order Approximation in the Partially Linear Regression Model

Oliver Linton
p. 1079-1112

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Regression with Nonstationary Volatility

Bruce E. Hansen
p. 1113-1132

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Consistent Specification Testing Via Nonparametric Series Regression

Halbert White, Yongmiao Hong
p. 1133-1159

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Epistemic Conditions for Nash Equilibrium

Adam Brandenburger, Robert Aumann
p. 1161-1180

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An Evolutionary Approach to Pre-Play Communication

Joel Sobel, Yong-Gwan Kim
p. 1181-1193

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Decomposition and Characterization of Risk with a Continuum of Random Variables

Nabil Ibraheem Al-Najjar
p. 1195-1224

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Notes and Comments: Revisiting the Sen Poverty Index

Anthony F. Shorrocks
p. 1225-1230

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Notes and Comments: Optimal Investment Selection with a Multitude of Projects

David G. Cantor, Steven A. Lippman
p. 1231-1240

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Notes and Comments: A Cardinal Characterization of the Rubinstein-Safra-Thomson Axiomatic Bargaining Theory

Atsushi Kajii, Simon Grant
p. 1241-1249

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p. 1251-1253

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News Notes

p. 1254-1254

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Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Risk Attitudes and Decision Weights

Amos Tversky, Peter Wakker
p. 1255-1280

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Oligopolistic Competition and the Optimal Provision of Products

Andre de Palma, Simon P. Anderson, Yurii Nesterov
p. 1281-1301

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Intertemporal Population Ethics: Critical-Level Utilitarian Principles

Charles Blackorby, David Donaldson, Walter Bossert
p. 1303-1320

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Negative Externalities May Cause Delay in Negotiation

Benny Moldovanu, Philippe Jehiel
p. 1321-1335

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Cooperation and Effective Computability

Hamid Sabourian, Luca Anderlini
p. 1337-1369

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Evolutionary Selection in Normal-Form Games

Jorgen W. Weibull, Klaus Ritzberger
p. 1371-1399

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Reputation and Commitment in Two-Person Repeated Games Without Discounting

Jonathan P. Thomas, Martin W. Cripps
p. 1401-1419

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Equilibrium Refinement for Infinite Normal-Form Games

Leo K. Simon, Maxwell B. Stinchcombe
p. 1421-1443

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Nonparametric Estimation of Exact Consumers Surplus and Deadweight Loss

Jerry A. Hausman, Whitney K. Newey
p. 1445-1476

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Notes and Comments: Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation with Discrete Regressors

Juan Mora, Miguel A. Delgado
p. 1477-1484

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p. 1485-1490

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News Notes

p. 1491-1491

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