
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 82

Issue 1

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 1

p. i-ii

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Expected Uncertain Utility Theory

Faruk Gul, Wolfgang Pesendorfer
p. 1-39

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Optimal Taxes on Fossil Fuel in General Equilibrium

Mikhail Golosov, John Hassler, Per Krusell, Aleh Tsyvinski
p. 41-88

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Price Setting With Menu Cost for Multiproduct Firms

Fernando Alvarez, Francesco Lippi
p. 89-135

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The Elite Illusion: Achievement Effects at Boston and New York Exam Schools

Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua Angrist, Parag Pathak
p. 137-196

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Short‐Run Subsidies and Long‐Run Adoption of New Health Products: Evidence From a Field Experiment

Pascaline Dupas
p. 197-228

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Islamic Rule and the Empowerment of the Poor and Pious

Erik Meyersson
p. 229-269

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Competition for a Majority

Paulo Barelli, Srihari Govindan, Robert Wilson
p. 271-314

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Identification in Auctions With Selective Entry

Matthew Gentry, Tong Li
p. 315-344

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Entropic Latent Variable Integration via Simulation

Susanne M. Schennach
p. 345-385

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Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of Models Defined by Convex Moment Inequalities

Hiroaki Kaido, Andres Santos
p. 387-413

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Comment on “The Law of Large Demand for Information”

Yaron Azrieli
p. 415-423

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 425-425

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Report of the Secretary

p. 427-434

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Report of the Treasurer

p. 435-441

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Report of the Editors 2012–2013

p. 443-446

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Econometrica Referees 2012–2013

p. 447-456

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Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series

p. 457-459

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 461-461

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 1

p. iii-v

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Issue 2

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 2

p. i-ii

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Hazardous Times for Monetary Policy: What Do Twenty‐Three Million Bank Loans Say About the Effects of Monetary Policy on Credit Risk‐Taking?

Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José‐Luis Peydró, Jesús Saurina
p. 463-505

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Non‐Manipulable House Allocation With Rent Control

Tommy Andersson, Lars‐Gunnar Svensson
p. 507-539

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Stable Matching With Incomplete Information

Qingmin Liu, George J. Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite, Larry Samuelson
p. 541-587

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Preference Aggregation With Incomplete Information

Christopher P. Chambers, Takashi Hayashi
p. 589-599

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Dynamic Mechanism Design: A Myersonian Approach

Alessandro Pavan, Ilya Segal, Juuso Toikka
p. 601-653

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Dynamic Preference for Flexibility

R. Vijay Krishna, Philipp Sadowski
p. 655-703

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Returns to Tenure or Seniority?

I. Sebastian Buhai, Miguel A. Portela, Coen N. Teulings, Aico van Vuuren
p. 705-730

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Macroeconomic Implications of Agglomeration

Morris A. Davis, Jonas D. M. Fisher, Toni M. Whited
p. 731-764

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Optimal Test for Markov Switching Parameters

Marine Carrasco, Liang Hu, Werner Ploberger
p. 765-784

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Local Identification of Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models

Xiaohong Chen, Victor Chernozhukov, Sokbae Lee, Whitney K. Newey
p. 785-809

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Identifying Treatment Effects Under Data Combination

Yanqin Fan, Robert Sherman, Matthew Shum
p. 811-822

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 823-823

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 2

p. iii-v

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Issue 3

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 3

p. i-ii

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Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Dynamics

Rafael Dix‐Carneiro
p. 825-885

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Dynamic Financial Constraints: Distinguishing Mechanism Design From Exogenously Incomplete Regimes

Alexander Karaivanov, Robert M. Townsend
p. 887-959

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Democracy, Redistribution, and Political Participation: Evidence From Sweden 1919–1938

Björn Tyrefors Hinnerich, Per Pettersson‐Lidbom
p. 961-993

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Residential Location, Work Location, and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Israel

Moshe Buchinsky, Chemi Gotlibovski, Osnat Lifshitz
p. 995-1054

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Decentralized Trading With Private Information

Mikhail Golosov, Guido Lorenzoni, Aleh Tsyvinski
p. 1055-1091

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Certifiable Pre‐Play Communication: Full Disclosure

Jeanne Hagenbach, Frédéric Koessler, Eduardo Perez‐Richet
p. 1093-1131

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How Portable Is Level‐0 Behavior? A Test of Level‐ Theory in Games With Non‐Neutral Frames

Shaun Hargreaves Heap, David Rojo Arjona, Robert Sugden
p. 1133-1151

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Stochastic Choice and Consideration Sets

Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti
p. 1153-1176

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On Confidence Intervals for Autoregressive Roots and Predictive Regression

Peter C. B. Phillips
p. 1177-1195

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1197-1197

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 3

p. iii-v

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Issue 4

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 4

p. i-ii

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A Model of the Consumption Response to Fiscal Stimulus Payments

Greg Kaplan, Giovanni L. Violante
p. 1199-1239

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How Responsive Is Investment in Schooling to Changes in Redistributive Policies and in Returns?

Ran Abramitzky, Victor Lavy
p. 1241-1272

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Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions

Leonardo Bursztyn, Florian Ederer, Bruno Ferman, Noam Yuchtman
p. 1273-1301

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Firms, Destinations, and Aggregate Fluctuations

Julian di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko, Isabelle Mejean
p. 1303-1340

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Land Use Regulation and Welfare

Matthew A. Turner, Andrew Haughwout, Wilbert van der Klaauw
p. 1341-1403

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No‐Betting‐Pareto Dominance

Itzhak Gilboa, Larry Samuelson, David Schmeidler
p. 1405-1442

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Endogenous Liquidity and Defaultable Bonds

Zhiguo He, Konstantin Milbradt
p. 1443-1508

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Preemptive Policy Experimentation

Steven Callander, Patrick Hummel
p. 1509-1528

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Complex Questionnaires

Jacob Glazer, Ariel Rubinstein
p. 1529-1541

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Corrigendum to “Teachers, Schools, and Academic Achievement”

Steven G. Rivkin, Eric A. Hanushek, John F. Kain
p. 1543-1543

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1545-1545

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2013 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 1547-1554

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 1555-1555

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 4

p. iii-v

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Issue 5

Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection

Gary Charness, Francesco Feri, Miguel A. Meléndez-Jiménez, and Matthias Sutter
p. 1615-1670

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Underinvestment in a Profitable Technology: The Case of Seasonal Migration in Bangladesh

Gharad Bryan, Shyamal Chowdhury, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
p. 1671-1748

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Identification in Differentiated Products Markets Using Market Level Data

Steven T. Berry and Philip A. Haile
p. 1749-1797

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Mechanism Design with Ambiguous Communication Devices

Subir Bose and Ludovic Renou
p. 1853-1872

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Random Choice as Behavioral Optimization

Faruk Gul, Paulo Natenzon, and Wolfgang Pesendorfer
p. 1873-1912

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Consistency of Higher Order Risk Preferences

Cary Deck and Harris Schlesinger
p. 1913-1943

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Perceived Ambiguity and Relevant Measures

Peter Klibanoff, Sujoy Mukerji, and Kyoungwon Seo
p. 1945-1978

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A Practical Two-Step Method for Testing Moment Inequalities

Joseph P. Romano, Azeem M. Shaikh, and Michael Wolf
p. 1979-2002

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Issue 6

The Intrinsic Value of Decision Rights

Bartling, Björn, Ernst Fehr, and Holger Herz
p. 2005-2039

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Inferring Labor Income Risk and Partial Insurance from Economic Choices

Fatih Guvenen, and Anthony A. Smith, Jr.
p. 2085-2129

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Forced Coexistence and Economic Development: Evidence from Native American Reservations

Christian Dippel
p. 2131-2165

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Structural Change and the Kaldor Facts in a Growth Model with Relative Price Effects and Non-Gorman Preferences

Timo Boppart
p. 2167-2196

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What Explains the 2007-2009 Drop in Employment?

Atif Mian, and Amir Sufi
p. 2197-2223

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Survival Versus Profit Maximization in a Dynamic Stochastic Experiment

Ryan Oprea
p. 2225-2255

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Bounded Memory and Biases in Information Processing

Andrea Wilson
p. 2257-2294

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Robust Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for Regression-Discontinuity Designs

Sebastian Calonico, Matias D. Cattaneo, and Rocio Titiunik
p. 2295-2326

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Fixed-smoothing Asymptotics in a Two-step Generalized Method of Moments Framework

Yixiao Sun
p. 2327-2370

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Implementation with Contingent Contracts

Rahul Deb, and Debasis Mishra
p. 2371-2393

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Forthcoming Papers, Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 6

p. 2395-2395

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