
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 87

Issue 1

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 1

p. i-ii

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From Aggregate Betting Data to Individual Risk Preferences

Pierre‐André Chiappori, Bernard Salanié, François Salanié, Amit Gandhi
p. 1-36

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Equilibria under Knightian Price Uncertainty

Patrick Beissner, Frank Riedel
p. 37-64

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Stable Matching in Large Economies

Yeon‐Koo Che, Jinwoo Kim, Fuhito Kojima
p. 65-110

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The Myopic Stable Set for Social Environments

Thomas Demuynck, P. Jean‐Jacques Herings, Riccardo D. Saulle, Christian Seel
p. 111-138

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Optimal Development Policies with Financial Frictions

Oleg Itskhoki, Benjamin Moll
p. 139-173

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Social Networks, Reputation, and Commitment: Evidence from a Savings Monitors Experiment

Emily Breza, Arun G. Chandrasekhar
p. 175-216

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Career and Family Decisions: Cohorts Born 1935–1975

Zvi Eckstein, Michael Keane, Osnat Lifshitz
p. 217-253

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Precautionary Savings, Illiquid Assets, and the Aggregate Consequences of Shocks to Household Income Risk

Christian Bayer, Ralph Luetticke, Lien Pham‐Dao, Volker Tjaden
p. 255-290

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Optimal Taxation, Marriage, Home Production, and Family Labor Supply

George‐Levi Gayle, Andrew Shephard
p. 291-326

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Consistent Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Groups of Transformations

C. Gouriéroux, A. Monfort, J.‐M. Zakoïan
p. 327-345

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 347-347

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Secretary

p. 349-357

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Treasurer

p. 359-364

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Editors 2017–2018

p. 365-367

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Econometrica Referees 2017–2018

p. 369-380

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series

p. 381-383

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 385-385

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 1

p. iii-v

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Issue 2

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 2

p. i-ii

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Estimation of an Equilibrium Model with Externalities: Post-Disaster Neighborhood Rebuilding

Chao Fu, Jesse Gregory
p. 387-421

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Take the Short Route: Equilibrium Default and Debt Maturity

Mark Aguiar, Manuel Amador, Hugo Hopenhayn, Iván Werning
p. 423-462

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Insurgency and Small Wars: Estimation of Unobserved Coalition Structures

Francesco Trebbi, Eric Weese
p. 463-496

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Engel's Law in the Global Economy: Demand-Induced Patterns of Structural Change, Innovation, and Trade

Kiminori Matsuyama
p. 497-528

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Mechanisms with Evidence: Commitment and Robustness

Elchanan Ben‐Porath, Eddie Dekel, Barton L. Lipman
p. 529-566

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Peer-Confirming Equilibrium

Elliot Lipnowski, Evan Sadler
p. 567-591

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Measurable Selection for Purely Atomic Games

Ziv Hellman, Yehuda John Levy
p. 593-629

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Trading Votes for Votes. A Dynamic Theory

Alessandra Casella, Thomas Palfrey
p. 631-652

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The Interval Structure of Optimal Disclosure

Yingni Guo, Eran Shmaya
p. 653-675

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On Heckits, LATE, and Numerical Equivalence

Patrick Kline, Christopher R. Walters
p. 677-696

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 697-697

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 2

p. iii-v

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Issue 3

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 3

p. i-ii

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A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data

Stéphane Bonhomme, Thibaut Lamadon, Elena Manresa
p. 699-739

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Trade and Labor Market Dynamics: General Equilibrium Analysis of the China Trade Shock

Lorenzo Caliendo, Maximiliano Dvorkin, Fernando Parro
p. 741-835

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The Probability to Reach an Agreement as a Foundation for Axiomatic Bargaining

Lorenzo Bastianello, Marco LiCalzi
p. 837-865

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Understanding Preferences: “Demand Types”, and the Existence of Equilibrium with Indivisibilities

Elizabeth Baldwin, Paul Klemperer
p. 867-932

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Coalitional Expected Multi-Utility Theory

Kazuhiro Hara, Efe A. Ok, Gil Riella
p. 933-980

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Old, frail, and uninsured: Accounting for features of the U.S. long-term care insurance market

R. Anton Braun, Karen A. Kopecky, Tatyana Koreshkova
p. 981-1019

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Identification with Additively Separable Heterogeneity

Roy Allen, John Rehbeck
p. 1021-1054

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Power in High-Dimensional Testing Problems

Anders Bredahl Kock, David Preinerstorfer
p. 1055-1069

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1071-1071

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2018 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 1073-1080

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 3

p. iii-v

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Issue 4

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 4

p. i-ii

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An Equilibrium Model of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Jeremy Greenwood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt
p. 1081-1113

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Preferences for Truth-telling

Johannes Abeler, Daniele Nosenzo, Collin Raymond
p. 1115-1153

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The Macroeconomic Impact of Microeconomic Shocks: Beyond Hulten's Theorem

David Rezza Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi
p. 1155-1203

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Retirement Financing: An Optimal Reform Approach

Roozbeh Hosseini, Ali Shourideh
p. 1205-1265

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Inference in Group Factor Models With an Application to Mixed-Frequency Data

E. Andreou, P. Gagliardini, E. Ghysels, M. Rubin
p. 1267-1305

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Measuring Group Differences in High-Dimensional Choices: Method and Application to Congressional Speech

Matthew Gentzkow, Jesse M. Shapiro, Matt Taddy
p. 1307-1340

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A Non-Bayesian Theory of State-Dependent Utility

Brian Hill
p. 1341-1366

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Equivalence of Stochastic and Deterministic Mechanisms

Yi‐Chun Chen, Wei He, Jiangtao Li, Yeneng Sun
p. 1367-1390

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Strong duality in monopoly pricing

Andreas Kleiner, Alejandro Manelli
p. 1391-1396

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Confidence Intervals for Projections of Partially Identified Parameters

Hiroaki Kaido, Francesca Molinari, Jörg Stoye
p. 1397-1432

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 1433-1433

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1435-1435

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 4

p. iii-v

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Issue 5

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 5

p. i-ii

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p. 1437-1438

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The Allocation of Talent and U.S. Economic Growth

Chang‐Tai Hsieh, Erik Hurst, Charles I. Jones, Peter J. Klenow
p. 1439-1474

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Nonparametric Inference on State Dependence in Unemployment

Alexander Torgovitsky
p. 1475-1505

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How Destructive is Innovation?

Daniel Garcia‐Macia, Chang‐Tai Hsieh, Peter J. Klenow
p. 1507-1541

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Fixed-Effect Regressions on Network Data

Koen Jochmans, Martin Weidner
p. 1543-1560

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Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes

Saumitra Jha, Moses Shayo
p. 1561-1588

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Recursive Contracts

Albert Marcet, Ramon Marimon
p. 1589-1631

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Trading Networks with Frictions

Tamás Fleiner, Ravi Jagadeesan, Zsuzsanna Jankó, Alexander Teytelboym
p. 1633-1661

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Endowments, Exclusion, and Exchange

Ivan Balbuzanov, Maciej H. Kotowski
p. 1663-1692

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Market Selection with Differential Financial Constraints

Ani Guerdjikova, John Quiggin
p. 1693-1762

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Maximality in the Farsighted Stable Set

Debraj Ray, Rajiv Vohra
p. 1763-1779

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Exclusion Restrictions in Dynamic Binary Choice Panel Data Models: Comment on “Semiparametric Binary Choice Panel Data Models Without Strictly Exogenous Regressors”

Songnian Chen, Shakeeb Khan, Xun Tang
p. 1781-1785

Full Content Original Article

Forthcoming Papers

p. 1787-1787

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 5

p. iii-v

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Issue 6

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 6

p. i-ii

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The Aggregate Implications of Regional Business Cycles

Martin Beraja, Erik Hurst, Juan Ospina
p. 1789-1833

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Bargaining Under Strategic Uncertainty: The Role of Second-Order Optimism

Amanda Friedenberg
p. 1835-1865

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Strategic Communication with Minimal Verification

Gabriel Carroll, Georgy Egorov
p. 1867-1892

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Dynamic Quantile Models of Rational Behavior

Luciano de Castro, Antonio F. Galvao
p. 1893-1939

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Dynamic Random Utility

Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, Tomasz Strzalecki
p. 1941-2002

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Strategically Simple Mechanisms

Tilman Börgers, Jiangtao Li
p. 2003-2035

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Linear Voting Rules

Hans Peter Grüner, Thomas Tröger
p. 2037-2077

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Pricing and Liquidity in Decentralized Asset Markets

Semih Üslü
p. 2079-2140

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On the Efficiency of Social Learning

Dinah Rosenberg, Nicolas Vieille
p. 2141-2168

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2169-2169

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The Econometric Society 2018 Annual Report of the President

p. 2171-2177

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 87 Iss. 6

p. iii-v

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