
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 37, Issue 2

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Front Matter

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Estimation of Interdependent Systems in Macroeconometrics

L. R. Klein
p. 171-192

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A Threshold Regression Model

Marcel G. Dagenais
p. 193-203

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Some Tests of Stability in Interindustry Coefficients

David Simpson, James McGilvray
p. 204-221

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The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test

Ta-Chung Liu, William J. Breen
p. 222-227

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An Econometric Model of Colombia: A Prototype Devaluation View

Kanta Marwah
p. 228-251

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Some Relationships Derived from Canonical Correlation Theory

Harry R. Glahn
p. 252-256

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Demand Functions: An Application to the Japanese Expenditure Pattern

Kunio Yoshihara
p. 257-274

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Returns to Scale, Euler's Theorem, and the Form of Production Functions

F. W. McElroy
p. 275-279

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Markov Processes and Economic Analysis: The Case of Migration

Allen C. Kelley, Leonard W. Weiss
p. 280-297

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Computation of Zellner-Theil's Three Stage Least Squares Estimates

R. Narayanan
p. 298-306

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Contribution a l'Etude du Role des Administrations dans la Theorie Mathematique de l'Equilibre et de l'Optimum

Claude Fourgeaud
p. 307-323

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A Nonlinear, Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the Liquidity Trap

Howard W. Pifer
p. 324-332

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Spectral Analysis of Data Generated by Simulation Experiments with Econometric Models

Kenneth Wertz, Thomas H. Naylor, Thomas H. Wonnacott
p. 333-352

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Notes and Comments: Direct and Indirect Additivity

John R. Hicks
p. 353-354

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Notes and Comments: Corrected Formulation of Direct and Indirect Additivity

Paul A. Samuelson
p. 355-359

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Robert H. Strotz
p. 368-368

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Erratum: Rational Distributed Lag Functions

Dale W. Jorgenson
p. 368-368

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