
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 45, Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Estimating the Returns to Schooling: Some Econometric Problems

Zvi Griliches
p. 1-22

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On the Foundations of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition

Hugo Sonnenschein, John Roberts
p. 101-113

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Estimation of the Allocation of Time for Work, Leisure, and Housework

A. D. Woodland, T. J. Wales
p. 115-132

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Ray-Homothetic Production Functions

Rolf Fare, Ronald W. Shephard
p. 133-146

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The Production Structure of the Korean Economy: International and Historical Comparisons

Byung-Nak Song
p. 147-162

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A Note on New Goods and Quality Changes in the True Cost of Living Index in View of Lancaster's Model of Consumer Behavior

N. Anders Klevmarken
p. 163-172

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Non-Price Rationing of Intermediate Goods in Centrally Planned Economies: A Comment

Donald W. Green, Peter Murrell
p. 175-181

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Estimation of Time-Varying Markov Processes with Aggregate Data

Elizabeth Chase MacRae
p. 183-198

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Error Components and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions

Robert B. Avery
p. 199-209

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Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation--An Extended Analysis

A. R. Pagan, D. F. Nicholls
p. 211-218

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Notes and Comments: Market Organization and the Durability of Durable Goods

Leonardo Auernheimer, Thomas R. Saving
p. 219-228

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Notes and Comments: Product Durability under Monopoly and Competition: Comment

Peter L. Swan
p. 229-236

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The Systems of Consumer Demand Functions Approach: A Review

Anton P. Barten
p. 23-51

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 237-237

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Winter 1977 Econometric Society Meetings

p. 237-237

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News Notes

p. 238-239

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Report of the Secretary

Julie P. Gordon
p. 240-243

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Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 244-246

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Report of the Editor

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 246-248

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Program of the Econometric Society Summer North American Meeting, June 23-26, 1976

p. 249-251

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Program of the Econometric Society Summer European Meeting, August 24-27, 1976, Helsinki, Finland

p. 252-256

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Program of the Econometric Society Fall North American Meetings, September 16-18, 1976, Atlantic City, New Jersey

p. 257-271

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Erratum: Economic Estimators and the Edgeworth Approximation

J. D. Sargan
p. 272-272

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Social Choice Theory: A Re-Examination

Amartya Sen
p. 53-89

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Kernels of Preference Structures

D. J. White
p. 91-100

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