
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 45, Issue 6

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Front Matter

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The Independent Inputs of Production

Henri Theil
p. 1303-1327

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Pricing under Spatial Competition and Spatial Monopoly

Dennis R. Capozza, Robert Van Order
p. 1329-1338

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A Quantity-Quantity Algorithm for Planning under Increasing Returns to Scale

Jacques Cremer
p. 1339-1348

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A Convergent Adjustment Process for Firms in Competition

D. J. Gates, D. J. Wilson, J. A. Rickard
p. 1349-1363

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The Continuity of Optimal Dynamic Decision Rules

J. S. Jordan
p. 1365-1376

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Conditions for Unique Solutions in Stochastic Macroeconomic Models with Rational Expectations

John B. Taylor
p. 1377-1385

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Regular, Nonconvex Economies

Andreu Mas-Colell
p. 1387-1407

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The Recoverability of Consumers' Preferences from Market Demand Behavior

Andreu Mas-Colell
p. 1409-1430

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Aggregation Procedure for Cardinal Preferences: A Formulation and Proof of Samuelson's Impossibility Conjecture

David Schmeidler, Ehud Kalai
p. 1431-1438

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Measuring Returns to Scale in the Aggregate, and the Scale Effect of Public Goods

David A. Starrett
p. 1439-1455

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Existence of Limit Cycles and Control in Complete Keynesian System by Theory of Bifurcations

V. Torre
p. 1457-1466

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Existence of Stable Distributed Lags

Richard E. Just
p. 1467-1480

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Multiple Time Series Analysis and the Final Form of Econometric Models

Kenneth F. Wallis
p. 1481-1497

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Efficient Estimation and Inference in Large Econometric Systems

R. P. Byron
p. 1499-1515

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A General Theorem in the Theory of Asymptotic Expansions as Approximations to the Finite Sample Distributions of Econometric Estimators

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 1517-1534

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Computer Algorithm: Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Estimation

Arthur Havenner, Ronald Herman
p. 1535-1536

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1537-1537

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