
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 46, Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Choice of Product Quality: Equilibrium and Efficiency

Jacques H. Dreze, Kare P. Hagen
p. 493-513

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Transversality Condition in a Multi-Sector Economy under Uncertainty

Itzhak Zilcha
p. 515-525

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Optimal Growth with a Convex-Concave Production Function

A. K. Skiba
p. 527-539

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An Equilibrium Existence Theorem without Convexity Assumptions

Akira Yamazaki
p. 541-555

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Economic Equilibrium and Catastrophe Theory: An Introduction

Yves Balasko
p. 557-569

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Non-Convexifiable Pareto Sets

Rolf Mantel, Yakar Kannai
p. 571-575

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Competitive Exchange

Robert Wilson
p. 577-585

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The Nash Solution and the Utility of Bargaining

Alvin E. Roth
p. 587-594

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Straightforwardness of Game Forms with Lotteries as Outcomes

Allan Gibbard
p. 595-614

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A Method for Computing Optimal Decision Rules for a Competitive Firm

J. F. O’Connor
p. 615-630

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Simultaneity in the Birth Rate Equation: The Effects of Eduction, Labor Force Participation, Income and Health

Darius J. Conger, John M. Campbell, Jr.
p. 631-641

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Temporal Aggregation in the Multiple Regression Model

John Geweke
p. 643-661

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The Heteroscedastic Linear Model: Exact Finite Sample Results

William E. Taylor
p. 663-675

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Testing Non-Nested Nonlinear Regression Models

A. S. Deaton, M. H. Pesaran
p. 677-694

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A Modified Stein-like Estimator for the Reduced Form Coefficients of Simultaneous Equations

Esfandiar Maasoumi
p. 695-703

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Double k-Class Estimators of Coefficients in Linear Regression

Aman Ullah, Shobha Ullah
p. 705-722

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Notes and Comments: The Computation of Equilibrium Prices

Parkash Chander
p. 723-726

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 727-727

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News Notes

p. 727-728

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Program of the North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, December 28-30, 1977, New York, New York

p. 729-738

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