
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 47, Issue 3

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Front Matter

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The Joint Allocation of Leisure and Goods Expenditure

William A. Barnett
p. 539-564

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A Representation Theorem for "Preference for Flexibility"

David M. Kreps
p. 565-578

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Expenditure Functions, Local Duality, and Second Order Approximations

Charles Blackorby, W. E. Diewert
p. 579-602

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Ville Axioms and Consumer Theory

Leonid Hurwicz, Marcel K. Richter
p. 603-620

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Intertemporally Inconsistent Preferences and the Rate of Consumption

Steven Marc Goldman
p. 621-626

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Consistent Majority Rules over Compact Sets of Alternatives

Joseph Greenberg
p. 627-636

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A Note on Group Strategy-Proof Decision Schemes

Salvador Barbera
p. 637-640

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Optimal Search for the Best Alternative

Martin L. Weitzman
p. 641-654

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Rational Expectations Equilibrium: Generic Existence and the Information Revealed by Prices

Roy Radner
p. 655-678

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A Convergence Theorem for Competitive Bidding with Differential Information

Paul R. Milgrom
p. 679-688

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The Arrow-Debreu Model Extended to Financial Markets

Peter H. Friesen
p. 689-708

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Some Theorems of Trade and General Equilibrium with Many Goods and Factors

Winston W. Chang
p. 709-726

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On the Differentiability of the Value Function in Dynamic Models of Economics

J. A. Scheinkman, L. M. Benveniste
p. 727-732

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On the Stability of Dynamic Processes in Economic Theory

Claude d’Aspremont, Jacques H. Dreze
p. 733-738

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A Note on Aggregation and Disaggregation

Walter D. Fisher
p. 739-746

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Poverty, Income Inequality, and Their Measures: Professor Sen's Axiomatic Approach Reconsidered

Noriyuki Takayama
p. 747-760

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A Model of Wealth Distribution

Pierre Pestieau, Uri M. Possen
p. 761-772

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Notes and Comments: A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: A Further Comment

D. C. Cronin
p. 773-774

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Notes and Comments: Proportional Solutions to the Bargaining Problem

Alvin E. Roth
p. 775-778

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Notes and Comments: Theoretical Restrictions on the Parameters of Indirect Addilog Demand Equations

John F. Stewart, John S. Akin
p. 779-780

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Notes and Comments: Nearer-Normality and Some Econometric Models

C. W. J. Granger
p. 781-784

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Notes and Comments: The Power of Tests for Autocorrelation with Missing Observations

Kenneth J. White, Sally M. Richardson
p. 785-788

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Notes and Comments: A Method of Calculating the Effects and Gains of Utilizing Scale-Economies

Vidar Ringstad
p. 789-796

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1980 World Congress of the Econometric Society

p. 797-797

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 797-797

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News Notes

p. 798-798

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Erratum: The European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 799-799

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