
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 82, Issue 6

The Intrinsic Value of Decision Rights

Bartling, Björn, Ernst Fehr, and Holger Herz
p. 2005-2039

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Inferring Labor Income Risk and Partial Insurance from Economic Choices

Fatih Guvenen, and Anthony A. Smith, Jr.
p. 2085-2129

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Forced Coexistence and Economic Development: Evidence from Native American Reservations

Christian Dippel
p. 2131-2165

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Structural Change and the Kaldor Facts in a Growth Model with Relative Price Effects and Non-Gorman Preferences

Timo Boppart
p. 2167-2196

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What Explains the 2007-2009 Drop in Employment?

Atif Mian, and Amir Sufi
p. 2197-2223

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Survival Versus Profit Maximization in a Dynamic Stochastic Experiment

Ryan Oprea
p. 2225-2255

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Bounded Memory and Biases in Information Processing

Andrea Wilson
p. 2257-2294

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Robust Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for Regression-Discontinuity Designs

Sebastian Calonico, Matias D. Cattaneo, and Rocio Titiunik
p. 2295-2326

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Fixed-smoothing Asymptotics in a Two-step Generalized Method of Moments Framework

Yixiao Sun
p. 2327-2370

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Implementation with Contingent Contracts

Rahul Deb, and Debasis Mishra
p. 2371-2393

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Forthcoming Papers, Econometrica Vol. 82 Iss. 6

p. 2395-2395

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