
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 88, Issue 4

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 88 Iss. 4

p. i-ii

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Invited Papers and Discussions

p. 1305-1305

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State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract

Timothy Besley
p. 1307-1335

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A Comment on: “State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract” by Timothy Besley

Samuel Bowles
p. 1337-1343

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A Comment on: “State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract” by Timothy Besley

Alberto Bisin
p. 1345-1349

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A Comment on: “State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract” by Timothy Besley

Elias Papaioannou
p. 1351-1358

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Reply to: Comments on “State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract”

Timothy Besley
p. 1359-1362

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On the Empirical Validity of Cumulative Prospect Theory: Experimental Evidence of Rank-Independent Probability Weighting

B. Douglas Bernheim, Charles Sprenger
p. 1363-1409

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Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium

Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Edouard Schaal
p. 1411-1452

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Estimating the Effect of Treatments Allocated by Randomized Waiting Lists

Clément de Chaisemartin, Luc Behaghel
p. 1453-1477

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Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia

Ruben Enikolopov, Alexey Makarin, Maria Petrova
p. 1479-1514

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Realized Semicovariances

Tim Bollerslev, Jia Li, Andrew J. Patton, Rogier Quaedvlieg
p. 1515-1551

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On the Geography of Global Value Chains

Pol Antràs, Alonso de Gortari
p. 1553-1598

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Revision Games

Yuichiro Kamada, Michihiro Kandori
p. 1599-1630

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Cheap Talk with Transparent Motives

Elliot Lipnowski, Doron Ravid
p. 1631-1660

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Algorithms for Stochastic Games with Perfect Monitoring

Dilip Abreu, Benjamin Brooks, Yuliy Sannikov
p. 1661-1695

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Reputation and the Flow of Information in Repeated Games

Eduardo Faingold
p. 1697-1723

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Statistical Inference in Games

Yuval Salant, Josh Cherry
p. 1725-1752

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Diverging Tests of Equal Predictive Ability

Michael W. McCracken
p. 1753-1754

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Rational Bubbles in UK Housing Markets: Comment on “No-Bubble Condition: Model-Free Tests in Housing Markets”

David Domeij, Tore Ellingsen
p. 1755-1766

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Reply to “Rational Bubbles in UK Housing Markets”

Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori, Johannes Stroebel
p. 1767-1770

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1771-1771

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Fellows of the Econometric Society July, 2020

p. 1773-1789

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 1791-1791

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 88 Iss. 4

p. iii-v

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