
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 36

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Optimal "Induced" Technical Change

Morton I. Kamien, Nancy L. Schwartz
p. 1-17

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The Theory of Syndicates

Robert Wilson
p. 119-132

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Testing for Serial Correlation after Least Squares Regression

E. J. Hannan, R. D. Terrell
p. 133-150

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A Note on Houthakker's Aggregate Production Function in a Multifirm Industry

David Levhari
p. 151-154

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Parameters and Relations of Stochastically Lagged and Disaggregative Time Series

Haskel Benishay
p. 155-171

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Application of a Turnpike Theorem to Planning for Efficient Accumulation: An Example for Japan

Jinkichi Tsukui
p. 172-186

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Simultaneous Confidence Intervals in Econometric Forecasting

Saul H. Hymans
p. 18-30

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Notes and Comments: The Distribution of the Sample Correlation Coefficient Under the Null Hypothesis

Kern O. Kymn
p. 187-189

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E. J. Hannan
p. 211-211

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E. J. Hannan
p. 211-211

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Erratum: Preference Functions on Measure Spaces of Economic Agents

Gerard Debreu
p. 211-211

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Report of Elections

p. 211-211

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Competitive Equilibrium Under Uncertainty

Roy Radner
p. 31-58

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International Short Term Capital Movements: A Distributed Lag Model of Speculation in Foreign Exchange

Sven W. Arndt
p. 59-70

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An Input-Output System Involving Nontransferable Goods

Michio Morishima, Yasuo Murata
p. 71-92

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A Transformation Used to Circumvent the Problem of Autocorrelation

Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
p. 93-96

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Household Demand for Financial Assets

Michael J. Hamburger
p. 97-118

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Hendrick S. Houthakker, President of the Econometric Society, 1967; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1966

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Estimating Demand Equations

A. P. Barten
p. 213-251

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The Linear Aggregation Coefficient as the Dual of the Linear Correlation Coefficient

Yuji Ijiri
p. 252-259

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The Decomposition of Economic Production Systems

Roman L. Weil, Jr.
p. 260-278

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Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data

V. K. Chetty
p. 279-290

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Money, Portfolio Balance, Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth

Paul Davidson
p. 291-321

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Econometrics of Joint Production

H. D. Vinod
p. 322-336

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The Bias of Liviatan's Consistent Estimator in a Distributed Lag Model

A. L. Nagar, Y. P. Gupta
p. 337-342

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An Industry Study of Corporate Profits

Michael K. Evans
p. 343-364

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The Supply of Farm Operators

G. S. Tolley, W. E. Johnston
p. 365-382

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New Income Inequality Measures as Efficient Tools for Causal Analysis and Planning

E. Frigyes, O. Elteto
p. 383-396

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Restricted Bargaining for Organizations with Multiple Objectives

Bruno Contini, Stanley Zionts
p. 397-414

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A Note on the Differentiability of Consumer Demand Functions

Donald W. Katzner
p. 415-418

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Consistent Aggregation of Production Functions

Paul Zarembka
p. 419-420

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Correction to Title: An Alternative Proof of Hannan's Theorem on Canonical Correlation and Multiple Equation Systems

D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Gregory C. Chow
p. 436-436

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Forecasting with Econometric Models: An Evaluation

H. O. Stekler
p. 437-463

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The Interpretation and Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Functions

Arthur S. Goldberger
p. 464-472

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Application de l'Hypothese de Comportement Minimax a la Prevision des Prix

E. Baudier
p. 473-496

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Theory of Consumer Behavior When Prices Enter the Utility Function

Peter Jason Kalman
p. 497-510

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Short-Run Employment Variation on Class-I Railroads in the U.S., 1947-1963

Sherwin Rosen
p. 511-529

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Quadratic Teams, Information Economics, and Aggregate Planning Decisions

Charles H. Kriebel
p. 530-543

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Qualitative Economics and the Scope of the Correspondence Principle

James Quirk, John Maybee, Lowell Bassett
p. 544-563

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Tarification des Services a Qualite Variable--Application aux Peages de Circulation

H. Levy-Lambert
p. 564-574

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A Note on Optimal Tolls in an Imperfect Environment

Maurice Marchand
p. 575-581

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Bayesian Analysis of Haavelmo's Models

V. K. Chetty
p. 582-602

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Variance of a Matrix

David H. Nissen
p. 603-604

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Notes and Comments: Conditions for Additive Separability

W. M. Gorman
p. 605-609

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Notes and Comments: Note on the Unbiasedness of a Mixed Regression Estimator

N. C. Kakwani
p. 610-611

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Errata: Investment Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-60

Dale W. Jorgenson, James A. Stephenson
p. 626-626

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Notes of Appreciation

p. 626-626

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Errata: The Price Elasticity of Liquor in the U.S. and a Simple Method of Determination

Julian L. Simon
p. 626-626

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Errata: Testing Single-Equation Least Squares Regression Models for Autocorrelated Disturbances

Richard C. Henshaw, Jr.
p. 626-626

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Program of Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1967

p. 1-5

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Farm Behavior

p. 10-10

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Estimation Procedures

p. 101-102

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Planning Models

p. 102-105

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Employment and the Labor Market

p. 105-109

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Symposium Session on the Pure Theory of Demand

p. 109-110

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Competitive Process

p. 10-11

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Economic Forecasting

p. 11-13

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Selected Empirical Findings

p. 110-120

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in the Pure Theory of Consumer Preferences and Behavior

p. 120-123

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Descriptive Growth Models

p. 123-126

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Monetary Studies

p. 126-127

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Foreign Visitors

p. 127-129

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Recent Econometric Analyses in Agriculture

p. 129-134

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Economic Growth I

p. 13-13

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in Wage-Price Behavior

p. 134-135

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in Optimal Policy

p. 136-138

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: The Role of Simulations in Studies of Econometric Models

p. 138-141

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Capital Formation and Wage Structure

p. 14-14

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Time Series Analysis

p. 14-14

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Econometric Models, Their Problems and Usefulness

p. 141-143

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in Economic Theory

p. 143-147

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Empirical Studies in Consumer Behavior

p. 148-150

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Optimal Problem

p. 15-17

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Walras-Bowley Lecture

p. 150-151

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Symposium Session on Estimation Procedures

p. 151-152

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Governmental Decision Rules

p. 152-155

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Optimal Growth Models

p. 155-158

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Macro-Economic Models

p. 158-161

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: On Empirical Studies of Consumer Behavior

p. 161-164

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in Capital Markets

p. 164-167

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Agriculture in Developing Countries

p. 167-169

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Economic Growth II

p. 17-18

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p. 170-173

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Election of Fellows, 1967

p. 174-180

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Statements of Loss and Fund Balance for the Years Ended December 31, 1966 and 1967

p. 181-181

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Treasurer's Report: Balance Sheets, December 31, 1966 and 1967

p. 182-182

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Accountant's Opinion

p. 183-184

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Notes to Financial Statements

p. 183-183

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Index of Authors

p. 185-187

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: European Meeting Bonn, Germany, August, 1967: Program

p. 19-24

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: The Econometric of International Trade

p. 25-25

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: The Measurement of Demand

p. 25-27

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Contributed Papers on Mathematical Economics

p. 27-28

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Econometric Methods

p. 28-30

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Macroeconomic Models and Problems of Forecasting

p. 31-33

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: The Econometrics of Money and Capital Markets

p. 33-34

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Production and Price Functions

p. 35-38

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Decision Theory

p. 38-39

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: The Econometrics of Wage Determination and Macroeconomic Models

p. 39-42

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European Meeting, Bonn, August 1967: Problems of Forecasting Demand of Durables and Non-Durables

p. 43-44

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Seventh Indian Econometric Conference, Poona, November 1967: Program of Seventh Indian Econometric Conference, Poona, November 1967

p. 45-48

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Seventh Indian Econometric Conference, Poona, November 1967: Abstracts of Papers

p. 49-65

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Estimating Techniques

p. 6-7

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: International Economy

p. 6-6

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Program of the Northern American Regional Conference, Washington, December, 1967

p. 66-80

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Monetary Policy

p. 7-8

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Second Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June 1967: Econometric Model

p. 8-9

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Studies in the Pure Theory of Markets

p. 81-84

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Estimation Methods

p. 85-88

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Econometric Studies of Production Functions

p. 88-91

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North American Regional Coference, Washington, December 1967: Estimation Procedures

p. 91-100

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