
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 40

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Econometrics and Decision Theory

Jacques H. Dreze
p. 1-18

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Population and Optimal Growth

John Pitchford
p. 109-136

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Indices Prospectifs Quantitatifs et Procedures Decentralisees d'Elaboration des Plans

Y. Younes
p. 137-146

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Social Preference Orderings and Majority Rule

Melvin J. Hinich, Morris H. DeGroot, Otto A. Davis
p. 147-157

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A Study of the Production Structure of the Indian Economy: An International Comparison

K. V. Santhanam, R. H. Patil
p. 159-176

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A Mean Demand Function and Individual Demand Functions Confronted with the Weak and the Strong Axioms of Revealed Preference: An Empirical Test

Axel Mossin
p. 177-192

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Information Lost in Aggregation: A Bayesian Approach

H. H. Kelejian
p. 19-26

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Notes and Comments: Estimation of the Liquidity Trap with a Generalized Functional Form

Kenneth J. White
p. 193-199

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Notes and Comments: The Generalized Characteristic Equation of a Linear Dynamic System

Roger Bowden
p. 201-203

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 218-218

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Errata: A Note on Error-Components Models

Marc Nerlove
p. 218-218

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Errata: Random Methods in Optimization in Relation to Economic Systems

C. T. Rajaratnam
p. 218-218

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 219-219

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Tatonnement Stability: An Econometric Approach

M. G. Allingham
p. 27-42

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Timing of Innovations Under Rivalry

Morton I. Kamien, Nancy L. Schwartz
p. 43-60

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A Direct Proof of Arrow's Theorem

Julian H. Blau
p. 61-67

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Stochastic Implications of Orbital Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Trade Cycle Model

R. F. Kosobud, W. D. O’Neill
p. 69-86

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More Stochastic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model

R. J. Bowden
p. 87-98

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Upper Hemi-Continuity of the Equilibrium-Set Correspondence for Pure Exchange Economies

J. F. Mertens, W. Hildenbrand
p. 99-108

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Gerard Debreu, President of the Econometric Society, 1971; First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1970; Second Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1969

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Lags in Economic Behavior

Marc Nerlove
p. 221-251

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Finite State Space and Expected Utility Maximization

Bernt P. Stigum
p. 253-259

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The Exact Finite Sample Properties of the Estimators of Coefficients in the Error Components Regression Models

P. A. V. B. Swamy, S. S. Arora
p. 261-275

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Estimation of Term Premiums from Average Yield Differentials in the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Charles R. Nelson
p. 277-287

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Existence of Equilibrium of Plans, Prices, and Price Expectations in a Sequence of Markets

Roy Radner
p. 289-303

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Asymptotic Covariance Matrix of Procedures for Linear Regression in the Presence of First-Order Autoregressive Disturbances

J. Phillip Cooper
p. 305-310

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Sectoral Elasticities of Substitution Between Capital and Labor in a Developing Economy: Times Series Analysis in the Case of Postwar Chile

Jere R. Behrman
p. 311-326

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Limiting Functional Forms for Market Demand Curves

James B. Ramsey
p. 327-341

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An Investigation of the Consequences of Partial Aggregation of Micro-Economic Data

Edgar L. Feige, Harold W. Watts
p. 343-360

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Demand and Supply Functions for Money in the United States: Theory and Measurement

William E. Gibson
p. 361-370

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Assets, Contingent Commodities, and the Slutsky Equations

Stanley Fischer
p. 371-385

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Nonexistence of Optimal Price Vectors in the General Balanced-Growth Model of Gale

J. Hulsmann, V. Steinmetz
p. 387-389

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Nonexistence of Optimal Price Vectors in the General Balanced-Growth Model of Gale: Comment

David Gale
p. 391-392

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on the Consistency of Estimating the Inventory Impact of Defense Orders

Edward M. Gramlich, Harvey Galper
p. 393-395

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Notes and Comments: A Reply to "A Comment on the Consistency of Estimating the Inventory Impact of Defense Orders"

Maw Lin Lee
p. 397-399

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Notes and Comments: The Effect of the Timing of Consumption Decisions and the Resolution of Lotteries on the Choice of Lotteries

Michael Spence, Richard Zeckhauser
p. 401-403

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 424-425

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News Notes

p. 425-427

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 427-429

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Generalized Separability

Robert A. Pollak
p. 431-453

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Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables in Economic Relationships

Thomas Johnson
p. 455-462

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The Classical Theory of International Adjustment: A Restatement

Miltiades Chacholiades
p. 463-485

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A Nonlinear Duality Theorem Without Convexity

F. J. Gould, J. P. Evans
p. 487-496

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Methods of Estimation for Markets in Disequilibrium

Dwight M. Jaffee, Ray C. Fair
p. 497-514

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Individual and Social Optimization in a Multiserver Queue with a General Cost-Benefit Structure

Niels Chr. Knudsen
p. 515-528

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The Estimation of Mixed Regression, Autoregression, Moving Average, and Distributed Lag Models

D. F. Nicholls, E. J. Hannan
p. 529-547

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Market Excess Demand Functions

Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 549-563

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Econometric Estimation of Stochastic Differential Equation Systems

C. R. Wymer
p. 565-577

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A Remark on the Core of an Atomless Economy

David Schmeidler
p. 579-580

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Notes and Comments: A Second Remark on the Core of an Atomless Economy

Birgit Grodal
p. 581-583

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Notes and Comments: A Third Remark on the Core of an Atomless Economy

Karl Vind
p. 585-586

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 598-599

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 598-598

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News Note

p. 599-599

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 600-602

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Smooth Preferences

Gerard Debreu
p. 603-615

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Testing for Fourth Order Autocorrelation in Quarterly Regression Equations

Kenneth F. Wallis
p. 617-636

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Fair Net Trades

David Schmeidler, Karl Vind
p. 637-642

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The Existence of Moments of the Ordinary Least Squares and Two-Stage Least Squares Estimators

Roberto S. Mariano
p. 643-652

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Finite-Sample Properties of the k-Class Estimators

Takamitsu Sawa
p. 653-680

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A Cost-Inclusive Simultaneous Equation Model of Birth Rates

Benjamin Cheng, John M. Campbell, Paul R. Gregory
p. 681-687

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Weaker Criteria and Tests for Linear Restrictions in Regression

T. D. Wallace
p. 689-698

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Operational Techniques and Tables for Making Weak MSE Tests for Restrictions in Regressions

James Goodnight, T. D. Wallace
p. 699-709

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A General Formulation of the Lechatelier-Samuelson Principle

Werner Oettli, Wolfgang Eichhorn
p. 711-717

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Regression with Non-Gaussian Stable Disturbances: Some Sampling Results

K. R. Kadiyala
p. 719-722

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The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem

Kiyoshi Kuga
p. 723-736

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The S-Branch Utility Tree: A Generalization of the Linear Expenditure System

Dale Heien, Murray Brown
p. 737-747

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Notes and Comments: An Econometric Model of the World Tin Economy: A Comment

F. E. Banks
p. 749-752

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Notes and Comments: An Econometric Model of the World Tin Economy: Reply to a Comment by F. E. Banks

Meghnad Desai
p. 753-755

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Notes and Comments: Relative Asymptotic Bias from Errors of Omission and Measurement

B. T. McCallum
p. 757-758

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Use of Proxy Variables

Michael R. Wickens
p. 759-761

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Notes and Comments: An Algorithm for Computing the von Neumann Balanced Growth Path

Deb Kumar Bose, Sanjit Bose
p. 763-766

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Notes and Comments: Two Algorithms for Computing the Von Neumann Balanced Growth Rate

Roman L. Weil
p. 767-767

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Notes and Comments: The Efficiency of the Two-Step Estimator

Kenneth F. Wallis
p. 769-770

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Anthony Y. C. Koo, "Revealed Preference--A Structural Analysis"

Goetz Uebe
p. 771-771

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Computer Algorithm: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Program

Ray C. Fair
p. 773-773

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p. 790-790

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 790-790

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News Notes

p. 790-791

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 792-792

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Some Statistical Implications of the Log Transformation of Multiplicative Models

J. Koerts, R. Teekens
p. 793-819

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Neutrality, Monotonicity, and the Right of Veto

A. S. Guha
p. 821-826

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Binary Choice of Urban Transport Mode in the San Francisco Bay Region

Robert G. McGillivray
p. 827-848

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Constraints Often Overlooked in Analyses of Simultaneous Equation Models

Arnold Zellner
p. 849-853

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Constraints on the Parameters in Two Simple Simultaneous Equation Models

Hans Genberg
p. 855-865

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The Local Uniqueness of Equilibria

Egbert Dierker, Hildegard Dierker
p. 867-881

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Decomposition of Linear Programs by Direct Distribution

A. ten Kate
p. 883-898

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator

A. R. Bergstrom
p. 899-900

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test: Comment

Franklin M. Fisher, Joseph B. Kadane
p. 901-903

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test: A Reply

Ta-Chung Liu, William J. Breen
p. 905-906

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System

A. C. Rayner
p. 907-907

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System: Reply

Walter D. Fisher, Walter J. Wadycki
p. 909-909

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Notes and Comments: Note on Consistent Estimation of the Variance of the Disturbances in the Linear Model

T. Kloek
p. 911-912

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Notes and Comments: The Power of an F-Test in the Context of a Structural Equation

Nagesh Revankar, Parthasaradhi Mallela
p. 913-915

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Notes and Comments: A Linear Oligopoly Game

Miroslav Manas
p. 917-922

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Notes and Comments: Specification with Deflated Variables and Specious Spurious Correlation

David A. Belsley
p. 923-927

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Notes and Comments: Spurious Seasonal Fluctuations in Seasonally Adjusted Series

B. H. Easton
p. 929-929

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Notes and Comments: Index Number Systems

Ralph W. Pfouts
p. 931-934

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Asymptotic Output Elasticity

Giuseppe Gaburro
p. 935-936

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Notes and Comments: Returns to Scale and Substitutability in the Repairmen Problem

Moises Syrquin
p. 937-941

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Notes and Comments: Extensions of the ZKD Model: A Comment

James P. Gander
p. 943-945

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Professor Stiglitz' "Distribution of Income and Wealth"

Masatsugu Tsuji
p. 947-949

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Notes and Comments: Two Remarks on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy

Egbert Dierker
p. 951-953

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Notes and Comments: Continuity Properties of the Core of a Market: A Correction

Yakar Kannai
p. 955-958

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Notes and Comments: Interpersonal Comparison and Partial Comparability: A Correction

Amartya Sen
p. 959-959

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Computer Algorithms: SYMINV: An Algorithm for the Inversion of a Positive Definite Matrix by the Cholesky Decomposition

Terry Seaks
p. 961-962

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Computer Algorithms: A Pearsonian Curve-Fitting Algorithm

James H. Gapinski, T. Krishna Kumar
p. 963-963

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 977-977

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Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Power Structure in Dichotomous Voting

Robert Bartoszynski
p. 1003-1019

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The Structural Estimation of a Stochastic Differential Equation System

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 1021-1041

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The Multi-Period Control Problem Under Uncertainty

Edward C. Prescott
p. 1043-1058

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A Class of Informative Priors and Distributed Lag Analysis

Edward E. Leamer
p. 1059-1081

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Some Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Representative Decision on Two Alternatives

Kit Fine
p. 1083-1090

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Cores and Prices in an Exchange Economy with an Atomless Sector

D. Schmeidler, J. Dreze, J. J. Gabszewicz, K. Vind
p. 1091-1108

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The Exact Finite Sample Distribution Function of the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Identifiability Test Statistic

James B. McDonald
p. 1109-1119

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Transitive Multi-Stage Majority Decisions with Quasi-Transitive Individual Preferences

Prasanta K. Pattanaik, Raveendra Batra
p. 1121-1135

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An Optimal Growth Model with Time Lags

Andrew Whinston, Edna Loehman, Mohamed A. El-Hodiri
p. 1137-1146

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Notes and Comments: Proportionate Variances and the Identification Problem

Jerry S. Kelly
p. 1147-1150

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Notes and Comments: The Theorems of Debreu and Peleg for Ordered Topological Spaces

Lung-Fei Lee
p. 1151-1153

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Notes and Comments: The Quadratic Assignment Problem: A Note

Dennis R. Heffley
p. 1155-1163

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Notes and Comments: A Note on a Note on Dutta's Estimate of World Demand for Indian Tea

Manoranjan Dutta, Narayan K. Nargund
p. 1165-1166

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p. 1177-1177

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1177-1177

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 1178-1178

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 1178-1178

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Structural Equation Methods in the Social Sciences

Arthur S. Goldberger
p. 979-1001

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