
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 43

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies

Roger Guesnerie
p. 1-30

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International Factor Mobility, Nontraded Goods, and the International Equalization of Prices of Goods and Factors

Carlos Alfredo Rodriguez
p. 115-124

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Linear Cross-Equation Constraints and the Identification Problem

Jerry S. Kelly
p. 125-140

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Estimation of the Two-Limit Probit Regression Model

Forrest D. Nelson, Richard N. Rosett
p. 141-146

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A Method for Stochastic Control of Nonlinear Econometric Models and an Application

J. Phillip Cooper, Stanley Fishe
p. 147-162

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A Note on the Extraction of Components from Time Series

Adrian Pagan
p. 163-168

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Notes and Comments: A Note on "Interpersonal Aggregation and Partial Comparability"

Ben Fine
p. 169-172

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Notes and Comments: Path-Independent Social Choice Functions: A Further Result

Douglas H. Blair
p. 173-174

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Notes and Comments: A Note on a Paper by T. Kloek Concerning the Consistency of Variance Estimation in the Linear Model

Hilmar Drygas
p. 175-176

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Computer Algorithm: A Program for Estimating Econometric Models--Ecomp 3

D. H. Richardson, R. J. Rohr
p. 177-178

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 179-179

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News Notes

p. 179-181

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Third World Congress

p. 179-179

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 183-184

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Erratum: The Generalized Characteristic Equation of a Linear Dynamic System

Roger Bowden
p. 185-185

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Samuelson's Self-Dual Preferences

Wahidul Haque
p. 31-40

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Nonstandard Exchange Economies

Abraham Robinson, Donald J. Brown
p. 41-56

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The Samuelson Nonsubstitution Theorem and the Computation of Equilibrium Prices

W. E. Diewert
p. 57-64

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Tatonnement Stability of Infinite Horizon Models with Saddle-Point Instability

Walter Perrin Heller
p. 65-80

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Congestion Tolls for Poisson Queuing Processes

David K. Hilderbrand, Noel M. Edelson
p. 81-92

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Rendement Qualitatif et Financement Optimal des Politiques d'Environnement

Serge-Christophe Kolm
p. 93-114

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Don Patinkin, President of the Econometric Society, 1974; First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1973; Second Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1972

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Stochastic Decentralized Resource Allocation Process: Part I

Leonid Hurwicz, Roy Radner, Stanley Reiter
p. 187-222

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External Diseconomies in Consumption and Monopoly Pricing

Israel Luski, Rafael Lusky
p. 223-230

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A General Solution for Linear Decision Rules: An Optimal Dynamic Strategy Applicable under Uncertainty

Charles C. Holt, George A. Hay
p. 231-260

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Optimal Consumption over Time when Prices and Interest Rates Follow a Markovian Process

A. Anastasopoulos, Stratis Kounias
p. 261-282

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A Price Characterization of Efficient Random Variables

B. Peleg, M. E. Yaari
p. 283-292

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Voting Majority Sizes

Robert W. Rosenthal
p. 293-300

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Wealth Effects and Slutsky Equations for Assets

Thomas W. Epps
p. 301-304

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Some Estimation Methods for a Random Coefficient Model

Cheng Hsiao
p. 305-326

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Gram-Charlier Approximations Applied to t Ratios of k-Class Estimators

J. D. Sargan
p. 327-346

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Notes and Comments: On the Interest Rate Theorems of Malinvaud and Starrett

David Gale, Richard Rockwell
p. 347-359

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 360-360

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 361-361

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 361-361

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Issue 3

Notes and Comments: Radial Change in Distortion and Choice of Numeraire

Tatsuo Hatta
p. 519-520

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Notes and Comments: The Koopmans and Hood Test: A Comment

N. E. Savin
p. 521-522

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Notes and Comments: Combining Microsimulation and Regression: Comment

Jon K. Peck, Thad W. Mirer
p. 523-528

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Notes and Comments: Combining Microsimulation and Regression: A Reply

Barbara R. Bergmann
p. 529-531

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Stochastic Decentralized Resource Allocation Process: Part II

Leonid Hurwicz, Roy Radner, Stanley Reiter
p. 363-394

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Production and Demand Models with Direct or Indirect Implicit Additivity

Giora Hanoch
p. 395-420

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Certainty Equivalence, First Order Certainty Equivalence, Stochastic Control, and the Covariance Structure

Richard M. Young
p. 421-430

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A Quantitative Theory of Risk Premiums on Securities with an Application to the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Bruce C. Dieffenbach
p. 431-454

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Comparative Advantage and the Distributions of Earnings and Abilities

Michael Sattinger
p. 455-468

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Non-Steady-State Economic Growth in a Two-Sector World

Harvey E. Lapan
p. 469-492

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A Note on the Underestimation and Overestimation of the Leontief Inverse

A. Simonovits
p. 493-498

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The Cyclic Properties of the Production-Inventory Process

Kenneth A. Lewis, William Duffy
p. 499-512

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Other Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem

Ehud Kalai, Meir Smorodinsky
p. 513-518

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Values of Markets with a Continuum of Traders

Robert J. Aumann
p. 611-646

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The Nature of Stochastic Equilibria

Jerry R. Green, Mukul Majumdar
p. 647-660

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Coalitional Fairness of Allocations in Pure Exchange Economies

Jean Jaskold-Gabszewicz
p. 661-668

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Observations on the Shape and Relevance of the Spatial Demand Function

H. Ohta, M. Hwang, M. L. Greenhut
p. 669-682

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Social Choice with Continuous Expression of Individual Preferences

Rubin Saposnik
p. 683-690

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Error Analysis in Nearly-Completely Decomposable Stochastic Systems

P. J. Courtois
p. 691-709

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A Test for the Presence of First-Order Vector Autoregressive Errors when Lagged Endogenous Variables are Present

David K. Guilkey
p. 711-717

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Testing the Error Specification in Nonlinear Regression

Dennis Leech
p. 719-725

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An Instrumental Variable Approach to Full Information Estimators for Linear and Certain Nonlinear Econometric Models

Jerry A. Hausman
p. 727-738

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Estimation of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

e-Min Wu
p. 739-744

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Estimation of Models with Jointly Dependent Qualitative Variables: A Simultaneous Logit Approach

Peter Schmidt, Robert P. Strauss
p. 745-755

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Factor Prices, Expectations, and Demand for Labor

Kanhaya L. Gupt
p. 757-770

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The Distribution of Tenant Benefits in Public Housing

Michael P. Murray
p. 771-788

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Optimal Cropping of Self-Reproducible Natural Resources

C. M. K. Watts, John R. Beddington, W. D. C. Wright
p. 789-802

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Notes and Comments: Social Preference Orderings under Majority Rule

Lawrence S. Mayer, Robert W. Hoyer
p. 803-806

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Notes and Comments: Identification and Consumer Unit Scales

John Muellbauer
p. 807-809

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 811-811

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News Note

p. 811-812

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 813-814

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 813-813

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Notes and Comments: Minimax Regret Significance Points for a Preliminary Test in Regression Analysis: Comment

R. W. Farebrother
p. 1005-1006

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1007-1008

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 1007-1007

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Econometrica Publication Schedule

p. 1007-1007

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North American Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 1007-1007

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News Notes

p. 1008-1009

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Errata: Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies

Roger Guesnerie
p. 1010-1010

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 1010-1010

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 1010-1010

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Policy Related Voting and Electoral Equilibrium

Richard D. McKelvey
p. 815-844

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Degrees of Cardinality and Aggregate Partial Orderings

C. Blackorby
p. 845-852

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The Continuity of Majority Rule Equilibrium

A. T. Denzau, R. P. Parks
p. 853-866

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Bounded One-Way Expected Utility

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 867-876

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A Disaggregate Analysis of Consumer Choice under Uncertainty

L. Epstein
p. 877-892

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An Adaptive Learning Rule for Multiperiod Decision Problems

Elizabeth Chase MacRae
p. 893-906

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The Graph of the Walras Correspondence

Yves Balasko
p. 907-912

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Personal Attributes, Job Performance, and Probability of Promotion

David A. Wise
p. 913-932

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Note on a Large-Sample Result in Specification Analysis

T. Kloek
p. 933-936

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Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Singular Equation Systems with Autoregressive Disturbances

Ernst R. Berndt, N. Eugene Savin
p. 937-958

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The Power of the Durbin-Watson Test

John A. Tillman
p. 959-974

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Notes and Comments: Semiorders and Choice Functions

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 975-978

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Notes and Comments: Semiorders and the Theory of Choice: A Correction

Dean T. Jamison, Lawrence J. Lau
p. 979-980

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Notes and Comments: Existence of a Continuous Utility Function: An Elementary Proof

Jean-Yves Jaffray
p. 981-984

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Notes and Comments: A Third Remark on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy

Hal R. Varian
p. 985-986

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Notes and Comments: Price Ignorance and the Stability of Stock-Flow Equilibrium

Norman P. Obst
p. 987-996

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Notes and Comments: Optimal Savings Policy when Labor Grows Endogenously: A Critique

John S. Lane
p. 997-998

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Notes and Comments: The Most General Class of CES Functions

Ryuzo Sato
p. 999-1004

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