
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 81

Issue 1

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 1

p. i-ii

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Belief Disagreements and Collateral Constraints

Alp Simsek
p. 1-53

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The Lucas Orchard

Ian Martin
p. 55-111

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Pre‐Colonial Ethnic Institutions and Contemporary African Development

Stelios Michalopoulos, Elias Papaioannou
p. 113-152

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The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable and Extremal Stable Matchings

Federico Echenique, Sangmok Lee, Matthew Shum, M. Bumin Yenmez
p. 153-171

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Impartial Nominations for a Prize

Ron Holzman, Hervé Moulin
p. 173-196

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On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation

Alex Gershkov, Jacob K. Goeree, Alexey Kushnir, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi
p. 197-220

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Choosing Choices: Agenda Selection With Uncertain Issues

Raphael Godefroy, Eduardo Perez‐Richet
p. 221-253

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Subjective Expected Utility With Incomplete Preferences

Tsogbadral Galaabaatar, Edi Karni
p. 255-284

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Fixed‐Effects Dynamic Panel Models, a Factor Analytical Method

Jushan Bai
p. 285-314

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Asymptotic Variance of Semiparametric Estimators With Generated Regressors

Jinyong Hahn, Geert Ridder
p. 315-340

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Preference for Flexibility and Random Choice

David S. Ahn, Todd Sarver
p. 341-361

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Strategic Liquidity Provision in Limit Order Markets

Kerry Back, Shmuel Baruch
p. 363-392

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Corrigendum to “Competing Mechanisms in a Common Value Environment”

Bruno Biais, David Martimort, Jean‐Charles Rochet
p. 393-406

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p. 407-408

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 409-409

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Report of the Secretary

p. 411-421

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Report of the Treasurer

p. 423-430

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Report of the Editors 2011–2012

p. 431-434

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Econometrica Referees 2011–2012

p. 435-443

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Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series

p. 445-447

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 449-449

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 1

p. iii-v

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Issue 2

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 2

p. i-ii

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Matching With (Branch‐of‐Choice) Contracts at the United States Military Academy

Tayfun Sönmez, Tobias B. Switzer
p. 451-488

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Identification and Inference in Ascending Auctions With Correlated Private Values

Andrés Aradillas‐López, Amit Gandhi, Daniel Quint
p. 489-534

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Average and Quantile Effects in Nonseparable Panel Models

Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández‐Val, Jinyong Hahn, Whitney Newey
p. 535-580

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Nonparametric Estimation in Random Coefficients Binary Choice Models

Eric Gautier, Yuichi Kitamura
p. 581-607

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Inference Based on Conditional Moment Inequalities

Donald W. K. Andrews, Xiaoxia Shi
p. 609-666

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Intersection Bounds: Estimation and Inference

Victor Chernozhukov, Sokbae Lee, Adam M. Rosen
p. 667-737

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George‐Marios Angeletos, Jennifer La'O
p. 739-779

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Language Barriers

Andreas Blume, Oliver Board
p. 781-812

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A Note on the Equilibrium Existence Problem in Discontinuous Games

Paulo Barelli, Idione Meneghel
p. 813-824

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Genericity and Robustness of Full Surplus Extraction

Yi‐Chun Chen, Siyang Xiong
p. 825-847

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Comment on If You're so Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Belief Selection in Complete and Incomplete Markets

Filippo Massari
p. 849-851

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 853-853

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 2

p. iii-v

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Issue 3

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 3

p. i-ii

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From Natural Variation to Optimal Policy? The Importance of Endogenous Peer Group Formation

Scott E. Carrell, Bruce I. Sacerdote, James E. West
p. 855-882

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Contract Structure, Risk‐Sharing, and Investment Choice

Greg Fischer
p. 883-939

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A Dynamic Model of Welfare Reform

Marc K. Chan
p. 941-1001

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Demand Fluctuations in the Ready‐Mix Concrete Industry

Allan Collard‐Wexler
p. 1003-1037

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Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and Recursive Models of Ambiguity Aversion

Tomasz Strzalecki
p. 1039-1074

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Alpha as Ambiguity: Robust Mean‐Variance Portfolio Analysis

Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Doriana Ruffino
p. 1075-1113

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Fiscal Foresight and Information Flows

Eric M. Leeper, Todd B. Walker, Shu‐Chun Susan Yang
p. 1115-1145

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Land‐Price Dynamics and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang, Tao Zha
p. 1147-1184

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Robustness, Infinitesimal Neighborhoods, and Moment Restrictions

Yuichi Kitamura, Taisuke Otsu, Kirill Evdokimov
p. 1185-1201

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Eigenvalue Ratio Test for the Number of Factors

Seung C. Ahn, Alex R. Horenstein
p. 1203-1227

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Preference Monotonicity and Information Aggregation in Elections

Sourav Bhattacharya
p. 1229-1247

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1249-1249

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 3

p. iii-v

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Issue 4

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 4

p. i-iii

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Robust Predictions in Games With Incomplete Information

Dirk Bergemann, Stephen Morris
p. 1251-1308

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The 2007 Subprime Market Crisis Through the Lens of European Central Bank Auctions for Short‐Term Funds

Nuno Cassola, Ali Hortaçsu, Jakub Kastl
p. 1309-1345

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Identifying Technology Spillovers and Product Market Rivalry

Nicholas Bloom, Mark Schankerman, John Van Reenen
p. 1347-1393

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Modeling Earnings Dynamics

Joseph G. Altonji, Anthony A. Smith, Ivan Vidangos
p. 1395-1454

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Optimal Inattention to the Stock Market With Information Costs and Transactions Costs

Andrew B. Abel, Janice C. Eberly, Stavros Panageas
p. 1455-1481

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An Approach to Asset Pricing Under Incomplete and Diverse Perceptions

Erik Eyster, Michele Piccione
p. 1483-1506

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The Bubble Game: An Experimental Study of Speculation

Sophie Moinas, Sebastien Pouget
p. 1507-1539

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The Theory of Optimal Delegation With an Application to Tariff Caps

Manuel Amador, Kyle Bagwell
p. 1541-1599

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Gambling Reputation: Repeated Bargaining With Outside Options

Jihong Lee, Qingmin Liu
p. 1601-1672

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Robust Estimation and Inference for Jumps in Noisy High Frequency Data: A Local‐to‐Continuity Theory for the Pre‐Averaging Method

Jia Li
p. 1673-1693

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1695-1695

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2012 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 1697-1706

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The Econometric Society 2012 Annual Report of the President

p. 1707-1710

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 1711-1711

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 4

p. iv-vi

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Issue 5

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 5

p. i-ii

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Private Information and Insurance Rejections

Nathaniel Hendren
p. 1713-1762

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Dynamic Product Positioning in Differentiated Product Markets: The Effect of Fees for Musical Performance Rights on the Commercial Radio Industry

Andrew Sweeting
p. 1763-1803

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Risk of Bayesian Inference in Misspecified Models, and the Sandwich Covariance Matrix

Ulrich K. Müller
p. 1805-1849

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A Theory of Optimal Inheritance Taxation

Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez
p. 1851-1886

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Efficiency in Games With Markovian Private Information

Juan F. Escobar, Juuso Toikka
p. 1887-1934

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Calibrated Incentive Contracts

Sylvain Chassang
p. 1935-1971

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Discounted Stochastic Games With No Stationary Nash Equilibrium: Two Examples

Yehuda Levy
p. 1973-2007

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Endogenous Ranking and Equilibrium Lorenz Curve Across (ex ante) Identical Countries

Kiminori Matsuyama
p. 2009-2031

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Revolt on the Nile: Economic Shocks, Religion, and Political Power

Eric Chaney
p. 2033-2053

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Life Expectancy, Schooling, and Lifetime Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence Revisited

Matteo Cervellati, Uwe Sunde
p. 2055-2086

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Connected Substitutes and Invertibility of Demand

Steven Berry, Amit Gandhi, Philip Haile
p. 2087-2111

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Comment on “Commitment vs. Flexibility”

Attila Ambrus, Georgy Egorov
p. 2113-2124

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2125-2125

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 5

p. iii-v

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Issue 6

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 6

p. i-vi

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Organizing the Global Value Chain

Pol Antràs, Davin Chor
p. 2127-2204

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Inference on Counterfactual Distributions

Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández‐Val, Blaise Melly
p. 2205-2268

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Homo Moralis—Preference Evolution Under Incomplete Information and Assortative Matching

Ingela Alger, Jörgen W. Weibull
p. 2269-2302

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A Theory of Disagreement in Repeated Games With Bargaining

David A. Miller, Joel Watson
p. 2303-2350

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Revealed Preference Tests of the Cournot Model

Andrés Carvajal, Rahul Deb, James Fenske, John K.‐H. Quah
p. 2351-2379

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Reputation for Quality

Simon Board, Moritz Meyer‐ter‐Vehn
p. 2381-2462

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An Efficient Dynamic Mechanism

Susan Athey, Ilya Segal
p. 2463-2485

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Generalized Reduced‐Form Auctions: A Network‐Flow Approach

Yeon‐Koo Che, Jinwoo Kim, Konrad Mierendorff
p. 2487-2520

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Every Choice Function Is Backwards‐Induction Rationalizable

Walter Bossert, Yves Sprumont
p. 2521-2534

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On the Testability of Identification in Some Nonparametric Models With Endogeneity

Ivan A. Canay, Andres Santos, Azeem M. Shaikh
p. 2535-2559

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Testing for Common Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factors

Prosper Dovonon, Eric Renault
p. 2561-2586

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2587-2587

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 81 Iss. 6

p. vii-ix

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