Quantitative Economics

Journal Of The Econometric Society

Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Quantitative Economics - Volume 7, Issue 1

Communication with multiple senders: An experiment

Emanuel Vespa, Alistair J. Wilson

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The empirical content of games with bounded regressors

Brendan Kline

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Duality in dynamic discrete‐choice models

Khai Xiang Chiong, Alfred Galichon, Matt Shum

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Terms of endearment: An equilibrium model of sex and matching

Peter Arcidiacono, Andrew Beauchamp, Marjorie McElroy

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Testing the quantity–quality model of fertility: Estimation using unrestricted family size models

Magne Mogstad, Matthew Wiswall

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Pensions, household saving, and welfare: A dynamic analysis of crowd out

David M. Blau

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Experience and worker flows

Aspen Gorry

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Bayesian estimation of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with asset prices

Martin Kliem, Harald Uhlig

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The cyclical dynamics of illiquid housing, debt, and foreclosures

Aaron Hedlund

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