Quantitative Economics

Journal Of The Econometric Society

Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Quantitative Economics - Volume 8, Issue 1

Inference for subvectors and other functions of partially identified parameters in moment inequality models

Federico A. Bugni, Ivan A. Canay, Xiaoxia Shi

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Measuring segregation on small units: A partial identification analysis

Xavier D'Haultfœuille, Roland Rathelot

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On financing retirement with an aging population

Ellen R. McGrattan, Edward C. Prescott

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A nonlinear certainty equivalent approximation method for dynamic stochastic problems

Yongyang Cai, Kenneth Judd, Jevgenijs Steinbuks

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Testing for fundamental vector moving average representations

Bin Chen, Jinho Choi, Juan Carlos Escanciano

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Ascending auctions with bidder asymmetries

Dominic Coey, Bradley Larsen, Kane Sweeney, Caio Waisman

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A note on identifying heterogeneous sharing rules

Pierre‐André Chiappori, Ju Hyun Kim

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Testing ambiguity theories with a mean‐preserving design

Chun‐Lei Yang, Lan Yao

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Who is sitting next to you? Peer effects inside the classroom

Sok Chul Hong, Jungmin Lee

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Do siblings free‐ride in “being there” for parents?

Shiko Maruyama, Meliyanni Johar

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