Quantitative Economics

Journal Of The Econometric Society

Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Quantitative Economics - Volume 8, Issue 2

The endogenous grid method for discrete‐continuous dynamic choice models with (or without) taste shocks

Fedor Iskhakov, Thomas H. Jørgensen, John Rust, Bertel Schjerning

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Tolerating defiance? Local average treatment effects without monotonicity

Clément de Chaisemartin

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Estimating price sensitivity of economic agents using discontinuity in nonlinear contracts

Patrick Bajari, Han Hong, Minjung Park, Robert Town

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Precautionary saving and aggregate demand

Edouard Challe, Julien Matheron, Xavier Ragot, Juan F. Rubio‐Ramirez

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Unbiased instrumental variables estimation under known first‐stage sign

Isaiah Andrews, Timothy B. Armstrong

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Identification and estimation of a bidding model for electronic auctions

Brent R. Hickman, Timothy P. Hubbard, Harry J. Paarsch

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Identifying idiosyncratic career taste and skill with income risk

Daniel Barth, Stephen H. Shore, Shane T. Jensen

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Counterfactual mapping and individual treatment effects in nonseparable models with binary endogeneity

Quang Vuong, Haiqing Xu

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Solving the Diamond–Mortensen–Pissarides model accurately

Nicolas Petrosky‐Nadeau, Lu Zhang

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Discretizing nonlinear, non‐Gaussian Markov processes with exact conditional moments

Leland E. Farmer, Alexis Akira Toda

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