Quantitative Economics

Journal Of The Econometric Society

Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Quantitative Economics - Volume 11, Issue 4

On the welfare cost of consumption fluctuations in the presence of memorable goods

Rong Hai, Dirk Krueger, Andrew Postlewaite

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Discrete‐time dynamic principal–agent models: Contraction mapping theorem and computational treatment

Philipp Renner, Karl Schmedders

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Solving discrete time heterogeneous agent models with aggregate risk and many idiosyncratic states by perturbation

Christian Bayer, Ralph Luetticke

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A tractable framework for analyzing a class of nonstationary Markov models

Lilia Maliar, Serguei Maliar, John B. Taylor, Inna Tsener

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Equilibrium computation in discrete network games

Michael P. Leung

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Specification and estimation of network formation and network interaction models with the exponential probability distribution

Chih‐Sheng Hsieh, Lung‐Fei Lee, Vincent Boucher

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Climate change and U.S. agriculture: Accounting for multidimensional slope heterogeneity in panel data

Michael Keane, Timothy Neal

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Family job search and wealth: The added worker effect revisited

J. Ignacio García‐Pérez, Sílvio Rendon

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Bond risk premia in consumption‐based models

Drew D. Creal, Jing Cynthia Wu

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Inflation and professional forecast dynamics: An evaluation of stickiness, persistence, and volatility

Elmar Mertens, James M. Nason

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