Quantitative Economics

Journal Of The Econometric Society

Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Quantitative Economics - Volume 13, Issue 3

A discrete choice model for partially ordered alternatives

Eleni Aristodemou, Adam M. Rosen

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Minimizing sensitivity to model misspecification

Stéphane Bonhomme, Martin Weidner

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Unconditional quantile regression with high‐dimensional data

Yuya Sasaki, Takuya Ura, Yichong Zhang

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Uncertainty measures from partially rounded probabilistic forecast surveys

Alexander Glas, Matthias Hartmann

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Permanent‐income inequality

Brant Abbott, Giovanni Gallipoli

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Rising skill premium and the dynamics of optimal capital and labor taxation

Yi‐Chan Tsai, C. C. Yang, Hsin‐Jung Yu

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The importance of hiring frictions in business cycles

Renato Faccini, Eran Yashiv

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Asymmetric conjugate priors for large Bayesian VARs

Joshua C. C. Chan

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The extended perturbation method: With applications to the New Keynesian model and the zero lower bound

Martin M. Andreasen, Anders F. Kronborg

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Secret reserve prices by uninformed sellers

Pasha Andreyanov, El Hadi Caoui

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Consumption peer effects and utility needs in India

Arthur Lewbel, Samuel Norris, Krishna Pendakur, Xi Qu

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Choice, deferral, and consistency

Miguel A. Costa‐Gomes, Carlos Cueva, Georgios Gerasimou, Matúš Tejiščák

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