2022 Asia School in Economic Theory

2022 Asia School in Economic Theory

Asian School in Economic Theory, Singapore 2022

In response to the latest wave of Omicron variant of COVID-19, we extend the application deadline from February 28 to March 31, 2022.    The admission decision will be made in April and will be notified individually.  All other information about the event remains the same.

Despite a recent surge of COVID-19 cases, Singapore has remained open to fully vaccinated people while imposing a strict rule against those who are not vaccinated.  For the latest authoritative information, please consult with SafeTravel (ica.gov.sg).

Attached below is the public announcement in December 2021.


Asian School in Economic Theory, Singapore 2022

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Economics and the Institute for Mathematical SciencesNational University of Singapore will host the Asian School in Economic Theory (used to be known as Summer School of Econometric Society) in Singapore, July 25-29, 2022.   

Lecturers are (in alphabetical order) In-Koo Cho (Emory University), Jeff Ely (Northwestern University), Herve Moulin (University of Glasgow and Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg), Marzena Rostek (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University and New York University).  In addition to lectures, we organize workshops where a selected group of participating students can present their research. Interested students can file applications at https://www.zvulunylab.com/esSummer2022 between January 1 and February 28, 2022.

Local organizers: Satoru Takahashi (NUS) and Yi-Chun Chen (NUS)

An applicant must be a member of the Econometric Society at the time of application. To join the Econometric Society, please check http://www.econometricsociety.org. The admission decision will be notified individually. Information about scholarships and registration will become available around the same time. Please check the home page of the summer school (https://sites.google.com/site/inkoocho/home/summer-school-of-econometric-society) for the latest information about the program and the local logistics.   

The Asian School in Economic Theory will be in the in-person format, which will be subject to the approval by the local health authority. Participation will also be subject to the regulations imposed by the Singapore government at the time. We will monitor the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic with a close consultation with the local host and announce our decision accordingly, as needed.


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