Nominations for Fellow of the Econometric Society are Open

Nominations for Fellow of the Econometric Society are Open

We are pleased to announce that nominations for Fellow of the Econometric Society are now open. The deadline to complete an online nomination for Fellow, including endorsements, is May 31, 2019.

Any member with a current membership can propose a candidate by filling in a nomination form and inviting endorsements.  If your membership has expired, you may renew by clicking here and logging in using your email as your username and using your previous password. Please do not create a new account; log in to your existing account. Forgot your password? Click here. To visit the Society's home page click here.

For instructions on nominating a fellow, please visit .

Click here for the nomination form. You must log in and once your credentials have been authenticated, you will be automatically directed to the nomination form.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.