EC Meeting Agenda, August 21-22, 2022, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

The Econometric Society Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022 and Monday Aug. 22, 2022


Matters Arising
1. Conflict of Interest Forms, discuss and approve
2. Rules and Procedures updates
     a. Clarify Officers and Council nominating committee rule (4.3) 
     b. Introduction of re-election rule for RSC members (6.1) 
     c. Update regional meeting reporting requirements (6.2) 
     d. Terms of Lecture Series Committee members (6.7) 

General Society Business 
1. Report of the Secretary
2. Elections: RSC and At-large
3. Composition and terms of fundraising committee
4. Fundraising report
     a. Creation of political and hardship account
5. Officers and Council nominations/pending elections 
6. Fellows Nomination Committee report
7. Hiring a technical meeting planner to assist program chairs, organizers, etc.

World Congress 2025, bid update and preliminary discussion

Editorial Business 
1. Present and discuss member comments about journals
     1a. Matzkin report on member comments on journals
     1b. Joel Sobel, former ECMT editor comments
2. Reports from the Editor, Econometrica
3. Report from the Editor, QE
4. Report from the Editor, TE
5. Report from the Editors, Monograph Series
6. Appoint new Monograph editor 
7. New editorial appointments
8. Data editor update and hosting replication files
9.  Publication fees
     a. Fixing the publication fee as a % of cost
     b. Fees for published lectures
10.  Increase submission fees
11. ECMA Copyright needs refresh and updated language on government works

Financial Business
1. Treasurer's Report
2. Report of the Audit Committee 
3. Report of the Investment Committee
4. Replace Yacine Aït Sahalia on the Investment Committee, term expired
5. 2021 budget projections vs actual 2021 audit numbers
6. Setting 2023 membership rates

Regional Business
1. Schools and Workshops report
     a. Appoint candidate to replace Mookherjee whose term ends Dec. 2022
     b. Decide replacement timing of W. Newey and A. McLennan end of '23 & '24
     c. Choose new chair to start Jan. 2023
2.  New lecture series committee
3. Update on 2022 and 2023 regional meetings
4. Econ Job Market report/plan

Any other business
Regional affiliations for officers moving regions
Thank you to departing EC members
     Penny Goldberg
     Dilip Mookherjee