EC Meeting Agenda, Jan. 6, 2022, North American Winter Meeting

Jan. 6, 2022, The Econometric Society Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
Matters Arising
a. Approval of the minutes, Aug. 2021 EC meeting
b. Rules and Procedures updates
b1 Membership requirement for newly elected fellows
b2 Membership requirement for submitters
b3 Membership requirement for schools 
b4 Resolving electoral draws 
Regional Business
a. Appointment of Regional Chairs
b. Regional use of meeting insurance and other updates
c. Future meetings, 2022 meeting schedule, 2023 update
d. 2025 World Congress bidding guidelines/Ad-Hoc eval cmt
e. Schools and Workshops: Standing Committee report
e1. Discussion of creating a Vanguard acct for DSE Int'l
f. Staggered renewal Schools and Workshops Comt Members
g. COVID protocols
h. Update on the Outreach committee (Promotional Video) 
i. Regional job market initiatives
Editorial Business
1. Rotating off editorial boards, June 2023, create comts/appt
Guido W. Imbens, Editor, ECMA, 6/30/2023
Dave Donaldson, Co-Editor, ECMA, 6/30/2023
Chad Jones, Co-Editor, ECMA, 6/30/2023
Asher Wolinsky, Co-Editor, ECMA, 6/30/2023
Federico Echenique, Co-Editor, TE, 6/30/2023
2. Review of actions from previous meetings
3. Appointment of award committees
a. Frisch medal committee
b. TE Best paper prize committee
Financial Business
a.  Report of the Audit Committee 
b.  Report of Fundraising Committee
c.  Creation of a standing fundraising committee
d.  Investments update (rebalance)
e.  Budget narrative/2021-2022 projections
Elections Updates/Business
a.  Officers/Council
b.  At-Large results
c.  RSC results
d.  Fellows election results 
e.  Number of Council members to be elected
f1.  President consults with EC, 2022 FNC
f2. President consults w/EC, 2022 Officers/Council nomnt comt
g. Ad hoc search committee for EVP