Secretary's Report (2008)

Econometrica, Vol. 77, No. 1 (January, 2009), 327–333





THIS REPORT STARTS by describing the evolution of the Society’s membership and of the number of institutional subscribers. Information is provided on both a midyear and an end-of-year basis. The latest information available, as of June 30 of the current year and of selected previous years, is provided in the top panel of Table I. The bottom panel of Table I reports the final number of members and subscribers as of the end of 2007 and selected previous years. For any given year, the figures in the bottom half of Table I are larger than in the top half, reflecting those memberships and subscriptions that are initiated between the middle and the end of that calendar year.

The membership of the Society has continued its upward trend, reaching a total of 4,691 ordinary and 1,019 student members at the end of 2007. This represents an increase of 51.8 percent and 57.3 percent with respect to the 2000 figures. In the last two years there has been a decline in the number of student members that has been more than compensated by the increase in ordinary members. However, the latest data indicate that the membership may decline slightly in 2008.

The number of institutional subscribers has continued its downward trend, reaching a total of 1,842 subscribers at the end of 2007, which represents a decrease of 4.6 per- cent with respect to the figure in 2006 and of 24.4 percent with respect to the figure in 2000. Moreover, the latest data indicate that further declines in the number of institu- tional subscribers will be registered in 2008.

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